Saturday, September 15, 2012

Race #12 of 2012

The IB surf town sprint triathlon 8/26/12 was my very first ocean swim triathlon. (if you don't count practice tri's). I did not get down to imperial beach for a course preview. So I really had no idea what to expect. I opted for the Athena division this time as I knew there was only 3 in the division.
The swim was definitely different & I wish I had spent more time on ocean entry. Luckily it was not high surf. It was hard to stay on course & somehow the girl dog paddling stayed ahead of me the whole time?!
Once out of water I made my way to transition had a smooth switch to the bike & hit the flat bike course with all I had! It was a short trip through residential streets to the helicopter filed that we would loop twice around. I spent a lot of time in my aero position (who knew I would live aero after swearing I'd never get bars). I passed at least one girl in my division so I was trying to get a big lead on her knowing my run is very slow. The bike was only about 9 miles so I was headed back to transition in no time. After I pulled in one of the Clydesdales says "man you did awesome on the bike! I was trying to catch you the whole time!" OK I am not gonna lie that felt awesome!!! I was pushing it hard on the bike! Turns out maybe too hard on my calves as I started on the run I was CRAMPING! I was so lucky my friend Maureen came out to see me race & since I saw she had her running gear on I said "come on run with me!" My calf cramps kept from getting any real momentum in my run. Knowing I had at least one girl in my division behind me kept my pushing with what little oomph I had. Part of the run was on base so Maureen waited while I did that loop since she didn't have a race bib. I made it to the turn around to see the other girl was right behind me & moving fast! With just over a mile left she passed me :( There was no way I was gonna get her so I took a walk break. Then I met back up with Maureen & she ran with me up to the finish. Turns out I took 3rd place (out of 3) but a podium is a podium! Sadly an elderly triathlete in his 80s collapsed as he crossed the finish to this race & died from heart attack. There is 3 older guys I see at all these races one I passed & said you inspire me every race. He said I sure hope so it's getting harder each time. I can't help but hope that I continue to help & inspire people. I want to follow my passions whatever they be, live an active healthy lifestyle & honor the memory of my brother until I meet Jesus face to face

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