Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving Day Boot Camp

OK first of all finally some pictures!!!! I never really feel like bringing a camera to boot camp was a good idea. I would have felt like a dork being the lamest person in class and trying to get pictures of me! The pictures are totally out of order AND I couldnt figure out how to rotate them and get them in order!

BUT this was a special occasion and I got everyone to get pictures too. I think Jason is gonna use them for his B3 Fitness company (this class today was through his business not the YMCA).
So 7am we all arrived and were freezing!!!!! We met right next to the zoo on the grass next to a junior high. Jason put us into 2 teams and gave up matching headbands. My team was the Flamers and we had flame headbands! The other team was the Cash Money Millionaires and had money banadanas. It was very Survivor/Biggest Loser style (loved that part). We set off on the run. I try not to go overboard on keeping up with the rest of the class. I know my pace and try to keep it....seriously some of these people run 6 minute miles!! I run 12 minute mile so why fight it hahaha
I dont know how far we ran but it seemed sooooo far!!!! We ran up and down some little hills on a trail to Balboa Park to the Juniper stairs. Jason says we are to run up and down the stairs as many times we can in 15 minutes. Each time we get to the top we get a stamp. The team with the most stamps would win. I have never done so many stairs...I did 4 times which was so HARD!!! Everyones legs were vibrating at the end!!! I think the guy that did the most did 8 times. After that we had to run all the way back the same way we came (I was sercretly hoping there was an alternate short cut back). Running with fatigued legs is so weird. I did it in both triathlons and the feeling was similar but way worse hahaha....probably doesnt help that yesterday was run day and we did Goshen and the stairs.
We got back and we split in the teams. We had to race against each other 2 at a time, the remaining team members had to alternate between push ups and burpees. I had nothing to give barely did something that resembled a push up or burpee. The racers had to flip a tire jump in it then out, then run around it and do it again. Straight until they reached the cone about 50 ft away (maybe longer), then drag the tire back for the next person to go.
The next drill there was a plastic saucer tied to 2 ropes with shoulder straps (I am describing this best I can). Each person would drag the smallest member of the team down and back to the cone, after everyone had gone the saucer people raced to the farthest cone and back. While waiting we had to do jumping jacks and if Jason caught anyone not jumping their team lost a point....I went first because the thought was the faster people would make up for my lameness...which actually worked we won both those drills.
The next drills was crazy! The one team had a bandana stuck in there pants and ran straight to the farthest cone, our team stood very far to the right and sprinted at an angle trying to reach the person before they reached the cone. It was pretty much impossible which I think was the point. I sprinted harder then I ever have in my life and didnt really gain any ground!!! IT was fun trying (I guess). When we switched it didnt really seem fair cause we were exhausted and seemed like we would get caughter for sure.
When it was my turn they put the strongest, fastest, gnarliest girl in class up against me...was it strategy or coincedence...I dunno. I didnt really care if I got caught I just new I was gonna do my best. READY...SET...GO I hauled butt (which who knows what that looks like in reality a fst jog LOL)...but I pushed and pushed AND BREATHED AND BREATHED and would you believe she couldnt catch me!!!!!!! I know she wasnt going easy on me I just DID IT!!! She even said good job!! I think everyone was surprised!!!
The last thing we did was just a race to one end and back. The first 3 people were the prize winners. 3rd place got Vegan cookies, 2nd a Tofurky and 1st place a 1 hour training session with Jason ($100 value). You will be happy to know I did not come in last....
Jason was so incouraging to me today. I tried to apologize a couple times and he said no your doing good. Im glad I came and even though I was so nervous I think I did well.
I relate today to the races a lot. It's about going further and further, pushing yourself and not quitting. The feeling afterwards is the same...I DID IT!!!
It's been a while since I've really gone outside my comfort zone. I was so happy going up those stairs when the Lord joined me again. It was just like when I was training for the tri and I was pushing past any and all limits....I asked for His strength and help and He did it. I was reminded of the personal trials I was going through 2 years ago at this time and how He carried me through them. I would never of expected to me to get through the personal trials I did back then it was truly God's hand that carried me through. I would prefer to never experience those kind of struggles again (no regrets because of the faith I gained then) but this now it a parallel that I welcome. Getting to that limit where you cant go any further on your own and crying out to God for help and He always answers.
So today I feel thankful for God's love, His faithfulness, His constant reminder of how He will always be there for me to carry me through lifes trials and struggles...that no matter what the obsticle I can get through it!!!
Thankgiving Day Boot Camp a success!!!!

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