Monday, January 17, 2011


"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." — Martin Luther King Jr

It has been a month since my brother passed away. He comes to my mind everyday. I didn't see him often or think about as much as I do now or when he was sick.
I think about the missed opportunities, I think about the memories I did get to make. I think about all the things that could of been. It also makes me wonder & worry about my parents. It's hard to be in the position I am. I HAVE to take care of my kids, which means I HAVE to work & as the sole provider I have to work a lot...
Now I realize I don't HAVE to go to the gym, or train as hard as I do BUT I NEED to!! It has become the means for me to release all the stress, worry, emotions I carry with me & I leave feeling better each time. I only wish there was some way to harness this and give it to my parents...

I can't imagine what they are dealing with emotionally let alone still having to sort through hospital bills, life insuranse & whatever else. I wish I had the time to help (although I doubt they would let me cause they don't wanna put more on my plate)
This past week I lost some of my edge. I think I know the hard core time is coming. F week weight loss challenge, tri-training, running club...
I been going a little easier on myself. Today however I hit up 5:30 am boot camp, then 8a spin class....OH YEAH!!!
I felt like maybe I have a little cold soming on & almost stayed in bed but once I got through it all I was very happy & proud!!!

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