Thursday, March 10, 2011

Going the distance

Going back to a little over a year ago I stepped on the treadmill for the first time. I had agreed to do my first triathlon, gotten my YMCA membership and was ready to start training...I had one little problem...I couldn't even run for 3 minutes with out stopping!!!
Fast forward to now and so much has changed!!!
First of all I never believed I would be a runner let alone love running!!!
I never thought I would be doing triathlons or marathons but there I was on Saturday in Del Mar getting ready for my last long run before the half marathon!
I was the only one doing 9 miles so I was looking at a lot of solo time on the road...I dont mind that at all.
I LOVE running outside!!!!! So much that I don't want to run inside at all...I know I gotta but I don't like it...
With my new weight loss my pace has increased a bit. I ran pretty much the whole 9 miles except for a quick stop for water and I had to slow down to drink water on the way back.
I have to get a fuel belt of some kind. It's time to invest in electrolyte replacement supplies...oh and an iPod holder cause my bra isnt the best spot!

I felt so good after the run! No pain or soreness just exhausted (which should be expected haha).

The reason I love to run outside is the views, the stuff to look at and the variety.

I guess technically I stopped for more then to drink water cause I took pictures too!


This is an infamous statue that I guess people mysteriously sneak and decorate all the time.

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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