It is so hard for me to believe I have done 4 triathlons now! (Technically one was a duathlon since swim was cancelled).
I have learned so much through training and participating in races. This time was no different. I wish the there was a huge spiritual revelation like with the race last year or the marathon. BUT it was different this time. I was more going through the motions cause I had to. I planned to do this race with my friend and she was signed up but between having a new baby and wedding things didn't work out the way we planned.
I trained for this race with the same schedule as before but skipped a few work outs (which I never did before). I quit on the swim distances a lot cause I was struggling. So going into it I was sure I had the stamina and endurance to finish but I didn't do the yardage, mileage or time I did before.
The one thing I find most difficult with training and working out is I want to do it ALL!! I want to hit all the boot camps, meet my friends for out strength trainings, spin class, swim laps, bike, running club....between being a mom, homeschooling, working it is hard to get the time. Also childcare is an issue if I can't be at the YMCA. My kids dad is very cool about watching them for my running club but asking to go on long bike rides as well...I just couldn't ask. I fit in only one ride this time on my actual bike. (Same as last time I rely heavily on spin class).
OK so enough about my training or lack there of....let's get on to race day.
There was so much different this time about race day too. This was the first time I was going to the race solo. My friend was supposed to meet me but I had a feeling it was going to be a strain on her to get there (and turns out she didn't make it). Last year she met me bright and early and took me to the race, stuck with me until I hopped in the water.
So in an effort to keep my nerves in check I took a leisurely approach to my race morning. I got up, braided my hair, made some oatmeal, got my gear loaded in the car. I moved about my morning with a light and breezy feeling. Checked my list one last time and headed on my way. I noticed it seemed a bit late to get on the road but remembered last year my nerves just got worse and worse waiting. At this rate I was not going to have a long wait. As I approached downtown and the race I glanced at the clock in my car 6:15am, the race started at 7am...a thought crossed my mind...."ummmm I may have read somewhere transition closes at 6:30a?" So and I understand this is illegal but I pulled up my email as I was driving downtown and yes there it was on the race info TRANSITION AREA CLOSES 6:30am
That is where breezy ended and pure panic set in....Was I really gonna miss setting up transition and miss doing the race?! How would I ever live this down!!!! Was this a subconscious attempt on my part to get out of this?! EEEEEEEEEKKKK!!!!
I got downtown and parked at 6:28ish and saw there was still people walking their bikes and gear to transition...whew I thought I should be ok. I had not done what I was supposed to and marked myself with my # tattoos (temporary), labeled my bike, put on my wristband etc etc (typical Katie stuff). So the gal checking people into transition got frustrated that I was trying to pull all my stuff out of envelope & let me in.
I got to my spot and set up my transition EVERYONE WAS READY BUT ME!! They had their tatts on, wetsuits on, the announcer was telling everyone to exit the area and go to the race start. I got set up QUICKLY! I used my water bottle to get the tatts on and squeezed in to my wetsuit-for the only time since I bought it!!! (another typical Katie move).
I went over to the race start and this is where I realized I was in this all alone. My kids Dad had refused to bring my kids to see me (due to a scheduling conflict with it being football season-He will be available sometime in Feb), my friend was no where to be heard or seen from, later in the race I hoped to see my cousin during the run part. It seemed so surreal watching everyone huddle with their friends, kiss their significant others good luck and there was me. At the marathon there was a sign a spectator had (or someone said it can't remember) "it is what it is" that is how I felt. Nothing was gonna change that I was about to jump in the water, swim 500 yards, get out and bike 10 miles, then run a 5k. In that moment I focused on #1 getting a swim buddy (it seemed a lot of people wanted one and I didn't see a ton of buddies) #2 how far I have come from last year! I was racing in the athena division last year. (which is the last wave so the wait was awful). Now here I was lighter, faster and more fit then ever!
I got my swim buddy and our wave #5 was up fast! We had about 2 minutes in the water before out horn blew. I have not swam in salt water pretty much since last year's race, except for frolicking in the ocean. I did a few warm up strokes just to get my face in the water. When we started I did really good at first (just like last year). I just tuckered out so fast! The difference between this year and last year is I kept pushing. I really was so slow and it seemed like it was taking forever!!! As I rounded the first buoy this one swimmer was freaking out!!! Screaming she couldn't breathe she was gonna die (thanked God real quick that was not me) and swam by her as a paddle boarder got to her. In the race you can hang on to the board and rest if you need to as long as you dont move forward (FYI). I believe they talked her down and she completed the swim. I was side stroking, freestyle A LOT of back stroking. I was having the hardest time catching my breath which made it pretty impossible to breath freestyle. I started to lose my head a few times and totally talked myself calm! HUGE breakthrough from last year. I was pretty much dog paddling the last 50 yards or so when I heard someone shouting my name????
I look up at the crowd and there are my friends Christian and Stacey! Talk about an injection of motivation! I finished that swim (in other words dog paddled faster). They have people to assist you out of the water and boy was I so wobbly!!! Thank God he was there!
I got up the stairs and ran to the lamest wetsuit peelers known to man! I was screaming pull the thing OFF!!!!!!!!!!!! I got it off ran to transition. Sadly my bike was easy to find as it was pretty much the last one in my area. Besides the panic girl I think I was the last one out of the water. (Note to self...SWIM MORE).
I got my bike shoes on sucked up half a gu and a swig of water and headed out on the bike.
The bike course was changed days before the race, sadly we would not be able to ride on the Naval base which was on of the coolest part of last year. Instead we were doing a loop down Harbor Dr twice (it was 3 loops for the Olympic distance), I honestly thought I was flying through the bike course and was thinking I would be done in around 30 min (ok 24 haha). I whizzed by my friends who were all over the place it felt like.
Side note: they had told me they would try to make my race but had other commitments. I really did not expect to see them. Well not only did they lie but they had planned this for weeks. Even had signs to cheer me on. Having them there put the biggest smile on my face the whole time! It feels so good when you know people are behind you and believe in you. AND if it were not for Christian and her camera there would be no photographic evidence that I even did the race!
At the end of the bike portion I dismounted and it was hard to run in my bike shoes so I actually took them off and headed in my socks to transition. Bad thing was a stepped on my wetsuit and got one sock wet before the run. This is where I made a huge mistake I didn't take another gu as planned and I took off on my run with out water. My thought was that there was water stations on the run and it was short. I thought I would run faster with out a water bottle weighing me down. The issue came up quickly that I was depleted and needed water and electolytes UGH!
Almost immediately in the run I got a cramp in my calf that almost took me to the ground! I kept going though, it felt like slow motion. I couldn't get my body to listen to my mind. My mind said GO FASTER!! My body said hey I thought we were breezy?! So I chugged along at a snail pace. It took F.O.R.E.V.E.R. to reach the first water station! I walked through it and drank a couple cups of water. My body thanked me and allowed me to continue on the run with a little bit more pep. This was literally the longest 3.1 miles EVER! I walked through the next water station too and hydrated....never realized how amazing water is for the body (I highly recommend it). Then I was almost out of Seaport Village and headed toward the last 1/2 mile or so. I got a text so I checked my phone/ipod/runkeeper and it was from my friend telling me she was not coming. I checked the time and my goal was to finish in 1hr 30 min. I was actually making great time and well on my way to my goal?! No clue how that happened! I pushed myself that last bit of the race! The last .1 is the LONGEST! My friends were waiting for me at the finish!
Shortly after crossing the finish line my cousin texted me and said she was waiting on the run course for me. She came over to the finish to see me. Truth be told I am glad I am so fast that she didn't make it haha!
My final time was 1:31 24 minutes off last years!
Just before the race God revealed to that He had given me my race verse. Silly me I had shared it twice in the week with other people. And as I was headed down I thought wait I dont have my verse. Then I realized He had used me to share it so that I would recall it in this moment!
Joshua 1:9
This is my command-Be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord God is with you whereever you go.
I carried that promise with me the whole time & reminded myself of it over and over!
God is always faithful in the little stuff and the big stuff and the sweaty stuff!!!!
Dang, is SO awesome to see how far you have come.
ReplyDeleteI am so proud of you!