Nervous does not even begin to tell you how I felt about getting on my bike with the team! The thing I am learning with all these sports is you have to DO them to improve and being scared to DO them doesnt help. I literally asked myself Friday night why do you love to do something you are not good at? I know the answer to that is...I am not good at it YET but I love the challenge of stepping outside my comfort zone, overcoming obsticles (percieved or real) and getting better at something that really doesn't come natural for me.
In complete contrast my favorite hobby is fishing. I have always been good at it...or least I only remember being good at it...I don't ever rememver it not being totally natural or completely loving it.
I do know that in both, no in all areas of my life I try to keep my mind open and willing and ready to learn something new.
So I get to the Saturday morning training and get my gear all set up. I needed help filling my bike with air. There is mentors and experienced team members walking around looking to help. My mentor had let me know that things get moving slowly on Saturday mornings.
First the do announcements, and pass out fundraising awards. Then there is a Mission Moment when someone shares their reason their life was touched by Leukemia or Lymphoma. Then coach gets up and teaches us. I have to say that this program is amazing. It is true that they could easily take anyone and get them ready to race.
They ease you into the training at what ever level you are at.
Today we went over rules, safety and basics about bike riding. Then we went off in groups with a mentor in the front and back of each group. We rode down one end of the street then turned around making a big loop. My heart was pounding in my chest!! The nervous part for me is starting and stopping, getting clipped in and out of the bike. Also being on the street is scary with the stop lights, cars, even riding in a single line with other people. We worked on communication with each other. Yelled out "hole" "crack" "stopping" "rolling" "slowing" so everyone knew what everyone else was doing. The second loop we worked on passing, when it was my turn I probably looked like I was a pro but on the inside I was so freaked out. It is all new territory for me and to be doing something totally new while traveling on a street at some speed with the risk of falling and seriously feeling pain...it causes anxiety for me.
The last loop coach had us go faster! I enjoyed the whole process, expecially not falling (once I almost did but a table saved me! Julie our manager came over and said don't worry I still fall all the time, everyone does). Then coach said we should go out on the bike path and take a little ride out and back. I raised my hand and said "I am scared". Look I was being honest. What I had already overcame in that training was good for me. It was way more then I thought I could do and I couldn't take my heart pounding out of my chest any more. Coach said that was fine and 2 girls I was riding with said they were going to only ride a short way and come back, so I went with them. There was no stops or cars on the little path. At the end is where the team went on to their bike ride and I still opted to head back.
I talked with Julie and Coach for a bit and they were very encouraging. I can't wait to go back and do more I just wanted to respect my limits and I felt great about what I had done. Coach is seriously awesome! I can understand why everyone wanted on the team for his last season.
Well I am off to my first fundraiser...expect pictures and another post to come!
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