Sunday, February 12, 2012

Mission moment, moment

I don't even know how to put into words what yesterday was like.
I thought we had a 40 mile ride which would be the longest of our training. Coach philosophy is you train double the distance when doing shorter tris (actually I read that everywhere). Then he sent a few emails out regarding the 50 mile ride. I can't lie I was so freaked out. I haven't ridden Newell in 2 weeks or done spin class. I had no clue what would happen on this ride.
Add to it I got an email day before if I wanted to give my story for mission moment. Inside I was freaking out but my reply was "cool". Hoping if I said it I would feel it. I was not so worried about speaking in public to the team, I was worried I wouldn't be able to speak about Noel. I thought about it all night & morning what I would say (actually I've thought about it a long time) trying to gather it in a concise way. I decided to write it down. I didn't feel ready, the more I thought about him, the night I stayed with him when he was dying-just made me cry (as I am now). So morning came I was in my car praying & listening to my music when this mentor comes up to see what I'm doing (he definitely cut my routine short). I got out of the car he started helping me with my bike & Cata comes up & asks if I'm ready. Tears well up in my eyes & I say I don't think I can do it. She said it was ok & she would ask Robby. I really couldn't hold it together & ended up back in my car crying my eyes out. I didn't feel bad that I couldn't do it or disappointed in myself. How can I be mad I have a broken heart for my brother. I know I will do it one day, I just need to be ready.
So I show up to team with my ugly cry face on (again). One of the mentors thought I was scared of the ride haha. I assured him the ride was not the issue. I was terribly nervous & had doubts about how this was gonna go. Robby gave a long mission moment he is 11 year survivor with a beautiful 13 month old baby girl. Matt who is amazing me lately got spirit (hope he does spirit right). Then Coach talked about the ride. He said everyone is not doing proper nutrition & talked a lot about that. I agree (in regards to me)! I haven't really been able to practice hydrating & eating on the bike cause I haven't been able to move my hands off my handle bars!!! Ok so maybe now that I think about since I did finally drink on my last ride 2 weeks ago I could have practiced sometime between then & now more 0.o
This was it though I had to figure out how I pull this all off. I learned a few things & realized I need more supplies (geez more $-praying for a supply donor). I have one water bottle, a lot of these people have 3! Everyone has at least 2. The way I need hydration I need to get 1-2 more. A lot of people have cycling shirts with pockets or little gear boxes at their handle bars to put all their supplies in. I had 2 gu's I planned to stuff in my bra (this is pure typical kt comedy). Luckily I was parked next to Ari who may be the worlds tallest nicest (totally rad cause he likes arrogant bastard ale-my fav) guy. He helped me tape my gu to my bike with electrical tape so that all I had to do was pull on it & it would be open. he also was so sweet & loaned me his extra set of leg warmers cause I was freezing (doesn't help my self esteem when a big guys leg sleeves fit me but whatevs I was warm). I knew once I started riding I would warm up but that it was going to be a long day & once I'm sweaty & wet I can get chilled so I think smart move.
We started the ride & I tend to gravitate to the people I know are my speed & I like to be around. (as with any situation there are a few people I do not like to ride near). I don't want to detail the ride because it's impossible to. It's thru a bike path down a big hill, up a hill, down a hill, up the massive scripps poway parkway pass over the mountain. That portion I rode with Elisa who seems to have managed never doing that before. I warned her it was the hill of death! I think she agrees. Once we got over the pass it was 20 miles! We hit the aide station. Mini cupcakes, energy chew, cheezits water good stuff. Now the decision continue on another 5 miles & turn back for 50 or head back now for 40. Had someone told me it was a hilly strenuous extra 10 mile add on I doubt I would of done it. But no one told me, so I went. It was seriously grueling! (for me haha). I'm starting to wonder at this point why is it so easy for everyone. What is it about me? Is it cause I'm heavy, I dont think I'm out of shape? Some of these people are as new to this as I am. Is it my nutrition? I felt like I had done good with it. I stopped when I saw the second sag got more water. I did one gu the first 20 & a second when we did the add on. I did some chomps after 30. I need to lose weight I guess made me a faster runner?
Either way once we hit 30 I would say life got real hard. We went down the scripps poway parkway mountain which scares the pee outta me. I did better this time but still us a lot of brakes to get down. Then we rode back to black mountain road. Elisa had said she was worried about it when we hit the half way. I obviously had not paid attention when we went down it cause when we got back to it I was shocked! What is this monster?! It was so flipping hard! I had sweat pouring off of me! On the bike there is no choice but keep moving your pedals so I did very very very slowly. That hill was a beast!!!!! (I hate it now & will forever). Once at the top we had about 10 miles left all in the 56 bike path. It was so windy at this point & some drizzle was falling. I felt surprisingly well. It would of been awesome to of had some more electrolyte or gu after the beast but I was out. Made the last few miles a struggle! When we out of the bike path Homer (who is the mentor that runs clean up & had been stuck with dead last me) took us along the flat street back. This other chick came behind us at that point from her own ride. She was so nice! I was in full complaint mode. I was whining to Homer & she agree with him we were going to ride right smack down the middle of the road to get back. They both said hug the dotted line. I hugged it & way bumping on every reflector & let me tell you after 49 miles it was pain. She shouted stay just to the left. Thanks cool chick! We got to the stop light & Homer said 49.6 I said great send sag to get me right here (I had also said that at 12 miles that I had only 6 miles left in me). The first time he said you really want sag? I said no I just want to complain. This time I think he was on to me cause he said lets go. I think we both struggled that last little bit (longest mile ever)? We got back there was at least a dozen teamies left all who applauded our return. I almost cried when I got back to my car. It was emotional for me the whole day, I kept crying when I would get alone. I can't help but think about Noel he is why I was climbing those mountains & going farther then I ever dreamed.
I'm the girl who was a coach potato almost 60 lbs heavier few years ago. I'm the girl it took 45 minutes to go around fiesta island her first tri. I'm the girl who raised her hand first training said I'm scared & packed up her bike & went home. I'm the girl who just ride 50 miles in 6 long hours yesterday. I'm the girl who is $190 away from raising $4500 for the LLS in memory of her brother.
Coach says this ride was harder then out actual race well I feel every bit as good about finishing this TRAINING RIDE as I do about finishing a race.
Coach's email post race:
Way to Go TEAM !!!

I am Very proud of You !!

That was a Tough Ride today--way harder than the Bike portion at SuperSeal or Lavaman. Y ou should feel confident.

Here is what I saw:

1. Good Turnout !!
2. Cold, WINDY and a bit Wet
3. Did I mention the HILLS ?? I have done this ride sooo many times and Black Mountain is always HARD
4. Ride Time/Base--we are getting up to Race Time
5. Flats ? Only 2
6. Falls ? A couple
7. Bonking ? Yes, Everything I talked about before the ride you MUST practice so you are comfortable on Race Day. You will have several oppertunities for this: 30 mile Bike Time Trial & 3 mile Run, Iron Mountain Brick & the Practice Tri

Any Negatives ?? YES !!

#1 The 2 people who had flats REALLY Struggled to deal with this--in a Race Situation Everything is Magnified !! We have had 2 Tire Changing Clinics and only 30 Participants attended. Truly it is beyond my comprehension why you are not practicing this or coming to Clinics. Several years ago we had 11 Teammates at Lavaman get flats during the race. Are you going to jeopardize FINISHING Your Race ?? I need some answers from those of you who cannot change a tire in 5 minutes--please respond

#2 As I was bringing up the rear on the 56 Bike Path I encountered several people I know coming toward me. ALL Complained to me about the Team in Training Riders (YOU !!) who were riding TRIPLE File while talking and completely unconcerned about the safety of others on a narrow, twisting Bike/Run/Horse/Stroller Path. I was EMBARASSED !!! Remember what Grand Master Flash would say---"DON"T DO IT !!!"

***Note regarding today's WIND***
Both SuperSeal and Lavaman are Windy Courses--Just like today, the wind on both courses INCREASES as time goes by. There is NO POINT in taking your time in the Swim, Transition or early on the bike--it just keeps getting HARDER !!

Go Team !!

Coach Gurujan

And Will sent this:
Hi All,

Sat. bike ride was great ! So many of you went the full fifty miles and there was a lot of climbing there! If you did the 50 miles -turnaround at Woodson Road- the total climb was 4900 feet! according to my Garmin. Can anyone back up that claim? That climb is SSOOO much more than either SuperSeal or Lavaman!



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