Two weeks ago I made my return to Moonlight Beach. This was the site of my dreaded second attempt of ocean swimming. I was so scared to get in the water there. We met there for our transition practice. This involved setting up just like it was a race with our transition then going through each change. We got in the water just enough to get wet really and do some diving under the surf. Then we ran up switched into our bike gear and biked just around the parking lot. Changed into our run gear and ran a loop around the lot. Then coach went over what he saw and we repeated. The waves were definitely NOT small but since it wasn't about getting out past them or doing an actual swim I handled it alright. The transition practice was very good to run through. I have to say I did not enjoy getting back into my wetsuit the second time! This program with TNT is so good and thorough, it IS so important to do all this stuff and practice. Makes me feel so much more confident about race day. Coach took a long time going over everything so by the time we were done with that it was 11. Team was going to ride out on a bike run brick, repeat thing. I ended up leaving as I had a very important 1 year olds birthday to celebrate!
This weekend we went back to Moonlight Beach for our practice triathlon. This is something I have seen on the schedule and been very worried about. Knowing I was actually going to have to get out at Moonlight and swim. If there was waves like when I first attempted to get out there I don't know that I could have done it. I was worrying over this at breakfast with my teammates and coaches Friday morning. No one ever seems to worry about me except for me!! How lucky am I that these coaches really do care and are so giving. I got a message later from one of my coaches telling me I did not need to worry. He said they would never send us out there if it was actually not safe, for a second. That I am a great swimmer and I just needed to have confidence. I replied what I think I am capable of and what he thinks I am capable of are two different things. He said that is why he is the coach. He said stop thinking let us do the thinking for you. HAHA that was perfect advice for me. I decided not to think and to just do it. Plus he used the word amazing to descibe me and how can I not agree.
SO back to moonlight beach. We were doing a practice tri BUT in my opinion doing a sprint distance triathlon, with a start time, being timed, complete run through is doing an actual triathlon! The swim would be 600 yards (I think), bike 12 miles and run 3.1 miles. Everyone set up transition as we would on race day. We had to start on time today because it was being treated as race day would-the gun goes off at 7:30. That being the case I sort of hoped we would skip the announcements and what not at the beginning. It was once again my chance to give the mission moment. This was not the case...I was up. Not only was I going to share but the mentor added todays practice would be in honor of my brother. I know I got up and said a lot of something but honestly don't remember. I know I said most everything I meant to. It ended up being sort of surreal cause in my head I was trying to hold myself together but my words where still coming out. Afterwards a lot of people thanked me during practice and after. I am surprised I held it together so well and was able to be ready to do practice after.
I felt pretty good about my transition set up. I was super nervous about the swim until I got a text on the way there stating that moonlight beach was totally flat. WHAT?!?!?! OK that seriously doesnt happen. I got there and went and took a peek. It was true there was virtually no waves to speak of. I was happy for the sake of doing this tri but also thinking this does not count towards me conquering this beach.
OK so everyone is ready we go down to beach and warm up in the water...uh well it was called a warm up BUT the water was ice cold freezing. I do not know that we have been in water this cold throughout training. I convinced myself that getting out and getting back in would feel so much better. We got out took our team photo and the "gun" went off.
I felt like I had a good swim. I never really stopped except when I got kicked pretty hard in the face and someone literally swam over me. It seemed far but doable. Before I knew it I had made the final turn and was headed in. YAY that is the best feeling being headed towards the shore. Then I stood up on dry land YES! The worst part is over...except for the giant ramp we have to run up to the bikes. Got up to transition made my switch into bike stuff and took off. MY FEET WERE FROZEN! You know when it is so cold it is painful...like that! I really gave the bike all I had. I was pushing so hard. I really had no worries about the cars, pedestrians, hills, lights, etc etc. Everything I had been afraid of in the past was not an issue. (pays to not think huh). I dont know my time yet exactly on the bike but I think it was under 50 minutes. Switched to the run and my feet were STILL frozen! YIKES (Next time we met up coach tells us we gotta bring hot water and defrost our feet-he said that is why he has us always do that its meant for race day).
The run was so hard, I had given my all on the bike I was worn out for the run. I am interested to see my time. It always seems to surprise me how fast my time is when I feel so slow.
I hit the finish line feeling good about the effort I put in and how everything went. I walked back to find my friend and run in with her :) Then breakfast with the team rounded out a good morning.
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