Saturday, July 28, 2012

Vineman blog part 4!!!

Well my second transition was interesting! Being one of the last in on the bike meant there was not much room on the rack. I ended up struggling with my bike for a LONG time! It was frustrating! I was exhausted & couldn't lift it up to the rack, it kept getting tangled with the bikes around it! Finally I got it on! I probably wasted 3-5 minutes. I had taken coaches advice & left a cooler of ice at transition area with my shoes. The idea was to dump ice water on myself after the bike to cool core body temp. We got so lucky with awesome weather it really didn't seem necessary to completely dump it. I sat on it to get my shoes on, toweled off my sweat, got my chilled water bottles out of it & stuffed some ice in my hat & clothes. I took off on the run with very little steam. I had hoped to run aid station to aid station (one each mile) but the best I could manage was 5 min run 1 minute walk. Lisa's watch had an interval setting so I was able to follow the beeps! I also did walk/stop at aid stations to get ice, water, snacks. The had tons of fruit! They also had pretzels, cookies, & cola but I avoided those! The run was not as scenic & beautiful as the bike. I was warned it was exposed for the most part & to expect blazing sun. I was surprised there was plenty of shade & a nice breeze at parts. I never felt over heated. I credit running VERY VERY SLOW & the constant ice I had stuffed in all my hat & clothing. Not much to say about the run part...I ran then walked then repeated. I did have a stupid grin on my face the whole time & smiled at everyone passing by.
Some were miserable & couldn't smile back. Others were in go mode & haulin ass...I like to engage everyone I pass. On the bike I waved at every spectator most were sitting staring blankly until I waved then they would wave, cheer, say good morning.
I think it's the fun part for me, making it a smiley happy thing (even when it's not). The same way when people would ask how you feel? I'd reply "I feel good" even if I didn't. It almost worked to convince me I DID feel good. As I came up on the aid station at mile 5 I saw a sign saying GO KATIE . I remember thinking "huh my name is Katie" then I realized it was Jackson & Martin & Lisa!!! I was sooo happy! I think I was close to crying. I hugged & kissed Martin a few times. The boys ran along with me for a while. It was so fun runnin hand in hand with my son.
After this aid station we ran onto La Crema winery it was a 2 mile loop through the vineyard. It was on a dusty hot endless trail. After the winery we went F.O.R.E.V.E.R down this one road until the turn around which was more then 1/2 way but felt like you were waiting for it like a 1/2 way point. Knowing you were headed to the finish was the mission after passing the turn around! I stopped at a wild berry bush where some kids were picking & eating berries. I tried one but it wasn't ripe yet I guess.
I hit the turn around point & I was worried Martin may not be at the aid station still. It had taken me so long to go about 4 miles. I was more anxious to see him again then anything. I was afraid they would think they missed me & take off for the finish line. I wanted to see him again (but also at the finish line). Luckily he was still there when I finally made it! I was able to get more hugs & kisses in. I remember tellin Lisa I have less then 4 miles to go! She said I know you are almost done. It was a good feeling knowing I was so close & the next time I would see Martin would be at the finish! I continued to run walk through the last few miles. Most people were walk only at this point. I was glad I was at least making forward progress albeit slow. I made my way to the last stretch of road until reaching the high school & finish line. There was a lot of people cheering. I saw some of the friends & family of teammates cheering me along. Then I saw jeremy & his sister waited to cheer me on (they had had passed me during the race). The as I rounded the corner that extra adrenaline kicked in I was sprinting to the finish line (as the announcer was yelling it was my birthday-wrong it was Martin's). I was about to cross when I stopped dead in my tracks ran over to my guy & gave him a big kiss before I ran across the finish. What a great memory i will always have of having Martin there with me for my big moment. My official time was 8hrs & 55 minutes. I felt pretty good with my time & race. If I had begun in a later wave I may of got a DNF did not finish. I took my time & got done with something I'm not sure I believed I could do. Lisa treated me to a post race massage (WONDERFUL) & we went back & toasted a glass of wine to celebrate! We attended the victory party where Martin boogied with the hippies for a bit. Then I headed to bed for a great night of sleep!!!

1 comment:

  1. Yay the finale!!! This was awesome! I can't believe you completed a half-ironman!!!! My favorite part was all the smooching on Martin, and I LOVE that the proff. photographers caught one (the most important one) of those moments on camera! How cool!!!
