Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Countdown to TriRock 2011

I hate that I haven't blogged like before. I'm even wondering if it would of helped me be more consistent with my training.
Now here in the 11th hour I can't turn back time, wonder about what I should have done different or worry about the past. All I can do is prepare best I can to finish the race.
This is my first repeat race. I did the inaugural TriRock 2010. I'm doing the spring distance again (they added an Olympic distance this year).
I have trained a lot, just not as meticulous as last year. I am confident in my endurance (hopefully will be done between 1:15-1:30). Just not confident about much else.
I'm convinced there is very many athletes or triathletes who don't get nervous before a race. Who don't doubt they are ready.
The next few days are about eating right, resting up, minimal training, practicing transition & getting everything ready.
I'm so anxious for the finish line.
I feel like this year will be so much better then last year! Im making a promise to right the blog ASAP!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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