Due to limited money & time (off work) I find I can't do all the races I would like to. Which would actually be ALL OF THEM! The Vegas 1/2 was one I couldn't get outta my head that I wanted to do. It seemed so fun! To run the strip at night!
After not being able to let the idea go I explored some options. First, time off work-yup available. Second- my friend that lives there-yup place to stay. Third-race entry-yup got it. And my friend was willing to watch my kids race day!
So the plan was laid, I would drive out with the kids Friday, do the tourist thing, race Sunday & head home Monday or even Tues. Once my plans were set, even more exciting details happened-my cousin from Colorado was going to do the race too! This is Patty the same cousin I met earlier this year & did the triathlon with. I was so happy to see her again & her and husband Kelly could meet my kids!
As the race got closer EVERYTHING CHANGED! My kids were reluctant to go, so they were staying home. Instead of driving I was flying!
I will spare all the Vegas vacation details (you know what happens in Vegas...stays there) & focus on race stuff!
I was so thrilled to go to the race expo without kids! I couldn't wait to take my time & look at everything! In the past with kids in tow, the expo was an in & out as fast as possible event. We got to the expo & quickly got our race bibs & shirts. The expo was packed! It was set up very strange. There was 2 sections the first section if you make a purchase you had to check out at one main register area before entering the other section where purchases were made at each vendors booth. I originally grabbed water bottles for my fuel belt AND compression socks. By the time I reached check out I had talked myself out of the $50 compression socks! In the other section I made some small purchases. The expo was so crowded and our group dwindled quickly, the boys headed out & eventually everyone was over it...except me! But I went along & left expo prematurely this time too..
It is so different doing a race at night! Usually you get up early & by mid morning your done! My family was stayin in a hotel near the race start/finish so the plan was for me to head over there & hang with them pre-race & stay over after the race. I packed my little over night bag & got dropped off around noon. Good thing I did because as roads were closed getting to strip was impossible! My cousin planned to wait until the last moments to go over, as we knew it would be freezing! We ended up going over sooner as we heard that the crowd was insane! My friend John actually came & met us & said even walkin down the street is not an option there was so many people! So we went through the casinos/hotels to get there! We used the ports potties & it was time to get in line! We didn't get a chance to meet our speedy friends in corral 4 so we said a quick prayer on our own before we jumped in line to wait to get in our corral 22. This is when the chaos began! The race organizers gave up counting down each wave start. It kinda ended up you just made a running start at the start line. There was a fun band at the start line! I ja abandoned my outer layer as I knew I would quickly not need it...but while waiting I got cold! An angel happened to drop a sweatshirt in my size on the ground...so yes I did pick it up & throw it on! Within my first mile I ditched the angelic covering but it served its purpose well. Also with in the first mile it was impossible to stick with my cousin. We had both agreed it was not essential to run together & starting together was nice. But with the crowds & both our desires to run our own race we split promptly.
I LOVED running the strip at night! I had myself so psyched out of the cold temps! I was freaked out for nothing! I had layered well & I get so hot anyway I was stripping layers with in a few miles! I had my little race belt to store my iPhone, & goodies for fuel & stuffed my headband & sleeves in it. It ended up looking like a fanny pack!
The race was tough to maneuver like an I sticks course! People dropped their clothing all over the road, there were walkers everywhere, the marathon lane had orange cones that appeared outta nowhere is seemed! I had fun with it & just kept bobbing & weaving around. I tried to take in all the sights & enjoy the race I waited so long for! It helped that I wasn't freezing like I feared! It was totally a flat course & super easy route. The water stations were a cluster & kinda lame so I barely got fluid :( I felt pretty good the whole time & took my fuel at the right time I felt. My biggest frustration was with my runkeeper! I was trying to keep my pace plan the TNT coach made me but the gps kept pausing & givin me wrong times! The hotels seemed to block the signal & mess it up. My finish time & averages were correct when I finished but while running I couldn't keep accurate pace with the numbers they were giving me :(
All in all I had a great race! My best official half marathon race time (although when I did the full marathon my half time was better) I loves racing with my cousin again & spending time with family/friends.
After the race was TOUGH! It was so crowded!!! They had plastic foil beets for us to wrap around us. Getting out of the race finish was insane! I did start to feel weird cause I needed to keep moving but was trapped in the sea of people. We grabbed some electrolyte drink which helped but it was so cold & claustrophobic! We got out in the open area I had no cell service & couldn't meet up with my friend! I got in the hotel & it was wall to wall people trying to get through! It took me over an hour to walk to the lobby & meet up wih my friend. Sadly by the time we got back to the room, showered & changes there was no place open for our victory dinner! Pizza hut was the dinner of champions haha!
Overall I am so glad I went & did this race/mini vacation & hope I get to head back next year!
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Sunday, November 27, 2011
30 mile weekend
I did not get any pictures from my weekend. Although the bike pictures would look identical from last week. Our bike workout was in the same place this week. The difference was we were going on our first ride. I was not going to be able to skip outta this one! Every training starts with the team manager going over fundraising & business stuff. Then the mission moment was by a guy who had been through cancer with both his former wife & father. Before the ride we did a tire changing clinic. Coach had us remove our tires for practice as fast as we would. Once we got our tire off we had to hold it up in the air. Getting the tire off is not that hard. It's getting it back on that can be tricky! Especially the back tire because you have to get the chain on right. What important is remembering all the little details, opening the brake, unscrewing the lever (but not too much!), & reversing the steps right. Then spin the tire to make sure it doesn't rub & check the brakes!!
Once we finished that we all took a restroom break & got ready to ride.
They had "the slow" people start in the front & fast people or more experienced I suppose in the back. There were mentors going back & forth the group & leading the front & back.
I started out in the slow group but somehow slowly fell to the back of pack. Don't get me wrong I'm not competing at all with these people! I have never cared about being the caboose ;) I didn't pay attention or hear (if it was said) that this was a 20 mile ride! It was NOT easy either. I was still petrified to be on my bike AND we were riding on the street for a section to get to the bike path. Starting & stopping multiple times AND the eminent risk of falling infront of a moving vehicle keep my heart pounding out of my chest!
When we go on the bike path we went on a trail through a canyon first. The calm rational person with in me will tell you it was beautiful & probably an awesome place to run it walk. The scaredy cat in me will tell you it was terrifying will all the turns and ups & downs! We had to exit the trail back on the street to get to the portion of the path that runs along the 56 freeway (hence this ride called 56 bike path). It was LONG! & there was some serious hills I MEAN SERIOUS HILLS! After the biggest hill we had a pit stop where coach was collecting clothing we needed to shed (the sun was up & hot) he had water & food if anyone needed it. I asked if we could turn around here, I was seriously worried about making it all the way back! He said it was just a short way further to Black Mountain Road which would be 10 miles. I set off that way only to find the hill unjust went over was nothing compared to getting to Black mountain road!!!!! The good thing about this ride is I learned very quick that I have an awesome bike! On the up hills my bike has an extra gear I can drop into that makes it near effortless to climb. That paired with my clip pedals/shoes that I complain about being able to push AND pull the pedals around make hills my (trying to find a word for b*#~h)
The top of black mountain I was breathing so hard & exhausted! Everyone (all 4 people that were slow like me) took off back down the hill fast. Something I learned this ride also was I DO NOT LIKE TO GO FAST! I was holding on for dear life & braking down the massive hills on the way back! At times I tried to take in the scenery & enjoy the ride but mostly I gripped the handle bar & prayed I didn't wobble & crash to the ground so the asphalt could rip my skin off my body like I'm sure it wants to!
Yes I'm being dramatic but no I'm not exaggerating!!! This is really what it is like for me! Why I love doing something I am not good at & enjoy in rare moments is beyond me except that I know I will get it eventually. Some day I will be a triathlete (for reals). Once I got back to the street/trail portion I was relieved knowing I was very close to my car! Unfortunately I missed the exit from the trail & hit a dead end, had to back track then because there wasn't a mentor in sight couldn't figure out how I get back to the path to the cars with out going on the insanely busy streets! I rode on the sidewalk which is a huge no-no but I was too scared to even attempt maneuvering on the busy street! It took so standing around on street corners to finally make my way back & then I made the last turn & FINISHED!!!!
The thing with bike rides on Saturdays now is I don't have that time for my weekly long run. My hope is that early Sunday will work for the long runs. It was hard to imagine I could do a long run the day after my bike ride BUT I still made the plan to do it. I really think the fact that my bike is so awesome I actually felt pretty good post ride. I am not sure this will be same situation in weeks to come but we shall see. So this week I really needed a long run because next weekend is my next race! I made plans to meet a fellow triathlete I met at my last race for a 10 mile run at lake miramar. It is 5 miles around the lake so we would do 2 laps. My new running buddy is faster then me so I was worried about keeping up. Everything came together on this rub & I felt great (well I whined a lot) & kept up with George. I enjoy this run I grew up in this neighborhood. My family spent so much time here. It was also where I ran the morning of my brother's birthday 7 miles. It was good to be with someone who kept me going & encouraged me. AND at te end of the run I had my fastest 10 mile time yet!
Once we finished that we all took a restroom break & got ready to ride.
They had "the slow" people start in the front & fast people or more experienced I suppose in the back. There were mentors going back & forth the group & leading the front & back.
I started out in the slow group but somehow slowly fell to the back of pack. Don't get me wrong I'm not competing at all with these people! I have never cared about being the caboose ;) I didn't pay attention or hear (if it was said) that this was a 20 mile ride! It was NOT easy either. I was still petrified to be on my bike AND we were riding on the street for a section to get to the bike path. Starting & stopping multiple times AND the eminent risk of falling infront of a moving vehicle keep my heart pounding out of my chest!
When we go on the bike path we went on a trail through a canyon first. The calm rational person with in me will tell you it was beautiful & probably an awesome place to run it walk. The scaredy cat in me will tell you it was terrifying will all the turns and ups & downs! We had to exit the trail back on the street to get to the portion of the path that runs along the 56 freeway (hence this ride called 56 bike path). It was LONG! & there was some serious hills I MEAN SERIOUS HILLS! After the biggest hill we had a pit stop where coach was collecting clothing we needed to shed (the sun was up & hot) he had water & food if anyone needed it. I asked if we could turn around here, I was seriously worried about making it all the way back! He said it was just a short way further to Black Mountain Road which would be 10 miles. I set off that way only to find the hill unjust went over was nothing compared to getting to Black mountain road!!!!! The good thing about this ride is I learned very quick that I have an awesome bike! On the up hills my bike has an extra gear I can drop into that makes it near effortless to climb. That paired with my clip pedals/shoes that I complain about being able to push AND pull the pedals around make hills my (trying to find a word for b*#~h)
The top of black mountain I was breathing so hard & exhausted! Everyone (all 4 people that were slow like me) took off back down the hill fast. Something I learned this ride also was I DO NOT LIKE TO GO FAST! I was holding on for dear life & braking down the massive hills on the way back! At times I tried to take in the scenery & enjoy the ride but mostly I gripped the handle bar & prayed I didn't wobble & crash to the ground so the asphalt could rip my skin off my body like I'm sure it wants to!
Yes I'm being dramatic but no I'm not exaggerating!!! This is really what it is like for me! Why I love doing something I am not good at & enjoy in rare moments is beyond me except that I know I will get it eventually. Some day I will be a triathlete (for reals). Once I got back to the street/trail portion I was relieved knowing I was very close to my car! Unfortunately I missed the exit from the trail & hit a dead end, had to back track then because there wasn't a mentor in sight couldn't figure out how I get back to the path to the cars with out going on the insanely busy streets! I rode on the sidewalk which is a huge no-no but I was too scared to even attempt maneuvering on the busy street! It took so standing around on street corners to finally make my way back & then I made the last turn & FINISHED!!!!
The thing with bike rides on Saturdays now is I don't have that time for my weekly long run. My hope is that early Sunday will work for the long runs. It was hard to imagine I could do a long run the day after my bike ride BUT I still made the plan to do it. I really think the fact that my bike is so awesome I actually felt pretty good post ride. I am not sure this will be same situation in weeks to come but we shall see. So this week I really needed a long run because next weekend is my next race! I made plans to meet a fellow triathlete I met at my last race for a 10 mile run at lake miramar. It is 5 miles around the lake so we would do 2 laps. My new running buddy is faster then me so I was worried about keeping up. Everything came together on this rub & I felt great (well I whined a lot) & kept up with George. I enjoy this run I grew up in this neighborhood. My family spent so much time here. It was also where I ran the morning of my brother's birthday 7 miles. It was good to be with someone who kept me going & encouraged me. AND at te end of the run I had my fastest 10 mile time yet!
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Pancake Breakfast
My first official fundraiser was a pancake breakfast held in my apartment complex rec room. I wrote the local grocery stores & gathered gift cards. I planned to charge $5 a plate for pancakes, syrup, sausage, eggs, coffee & juice. I wanted biscuits & gravy too but everyone axed that plan.
Desirae made the most awesome flyers I invited tons of Facebook friends. I planned everything, shopped for the event & then nerves hit!
Thank goodness for Rebecca & George! They were there to help the night before & the whole event. I also had helpers Marianne & Pauline come the morning to help me. I had no idea there would be a need for me I spend the whole event talking to guests. It turned out I was able to share with everyone about my race & mission. Which I want everyone to know about Noel, my race & my fight against cancer!
The event was a huge success! It was pretty much flawless!
I'm so thankful for everyone who came & helped & supported me!
Desirae made the most awesome flyers I invited tons of Facebook friends. I planned everything, shopped for the event & then nerves hit!
Thank goodness for Rebecca & George! They were there to help the night before & the whole event. I also had helpers Marianne & Pauline come the morning to help me. I had no idea there would be a need for me I spend the whole event talking to guests. It turned out I was able to share with everyone about my race & mission. Which I want everyone to know about Noel, my race & my fight against cancer!
The event was a huge success! It was pretty much flawless!
I'm so thankful for everyone who came & helped & supported me!
Sunday, November 20, 2011
First Saturday Bike ride

Nervous does not even begin to tell you how I felt about getting on my bike with the team! The thing I am learning with all these sports is you have to DO them to improve and being scared to DO them doesnt help. I literally asked myself Friday night why do you love to do something you are not good at? I know the answer to that is...I am not good at it YET but I love the challenge of stepping outside my comfort zone, overcoming obsticles (percieved or real) and getting better at something that really doesn't come natural for me.
In complete contrast my favorite hobby is fishing. I have always been good at it...or least I only remember being good at it...I don't ever rememver it not being totally natural or completely loving it.
I do know that in both, no in all areas of my life I try to keep my mind open and willing and ready to learn something new.
So I get to the Saturday morning training and get my gear all set up. I needed help filling my bike with air. There is mentors and experienced team members walking around looking to help. My mentor had let me know that things get moving slowly on Saturday mornings.
First the do announcements, and pass out fundraising awards. Then there is a Mission Moment when someone shares their reason their life was touched by Leukemia or Lymphoma. Then coach gets up and teaches us. I have to say that this program is amazing. It is true that they could easily take anyone and get them ready to race.
They ease you into the training at what ever level you are at.
Today we went over rules, safety and basics about bike riding. Then we went off in groups with a mentor in the front and back of each group. We rode down one end of the street then turned around making a big loop. My heart was pounding in my chest!! The nervous part for me is starting and stopping, getting clipped in and out of the bike. Also being on the street is scary with the stop lights, cars, even riding in a single line with other people. We worked on communication with each other. Yelled out "hole" "crack" "stopping" "rolling" "slowing" so everyone knew what everyone else was doing. The second loop we worked on passing, when it was my turn I probably looked like I was a pro but on the inside I was so freaked out. It is all new territory for me and to be doing something totally new while traveling on a street at some speed with the risk of falling and seriously feeling pain...it causes anxiety for me.
The last loop coach had us go faster! I enjoyed the whole process, expecially not falling (once I almost did but a table saved me! Julie our manager came over and said don't worry I still fall all the time, everyone does). Then coach said we should go out on the bike path and take a little ride out and back. I raised my hand and said "I am scared". Look I was being honest. What I had already overcame in that training was good for me. It was way more then I thought I could do and I couldn't take my heart pounding out of my chest any more. Coach said that was fine and 2 girls I was riding with said they were going to only ride a short way and come back, so I went with them. There was no stops or cars on the little path. At the end is where the team went on to their bike ride and I still opted to head back.
I talked with Julie and Coach for a bit and they were very encouraging. I can't wait to go back and do more I just wanted to respect my limits and I felt great about what I had done. Coach is seriously awesome! I can understand why everyone wanted on the team for his last season.
Well I am off to my first fundraiser...expect pictures and another post to come!
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Becoming a triathlete
I have learned so much in just a few days! AND I haven't even been to a official training yet!!! Wednesday I met with my mentor Kristen (did I mention I'm assigned a mentor to help me through the training & fundraising process). I met over by her house and she took me on a 4.2 mile. It included a lot of trail, railroad crossing and a decent hill...along the run she shared with me a lot of great information that coach has shared with the team.
Then today I met with Tony the swim coach again. OH MY GOSH! I learned so much and in just 2 short lessons I have improved!! What he showed me was drills that first develop control, then form & in the long run help with distance & endurance! I'm so excited to practice & work on the drills! I'm sure by the time I get to actually meet with team for pool swims & open ocean swims I will be awesome!
Then I headed up to a warehouse sale for some tri gear! In our tri clinic they said we NEED bike shorts & eventually tri shorts & bike jerseys.
I went to the bike store & shorts were $50 I was discouraged. I can not afford that! Or the $35 tire repair kit they said we also need.
God is faithful! I got a coupon deal online for tire change kit $17 (with shipping) and at this sale for the same $50 I got bike shorts, tri shorts a tri top & a warmers!!!!
I am ready to race!!!
Coach Tony is awesome...here are his comments after working with me today!
wow. you looked great in the water today.
the last lap i watched when leaving... you looked so smooth.
reminder: the next handful of swim sessions...
keep working skate.
i want you to get to the point where it just feels natural.
ideally you get to where you can do a lap up and back and not really be thinking about anything other than how easy that was...
2nd: hesitation.
same thing here, really really focus on keeping that lead hand out until you start rotating to enter the recovering hand.
especially when breathing.
if you're dropping the hand when breathing, you're probably propping your head up a little.
keep that head low and the hand will stay up easier.
3rd: quick catch.
once skate and hesitation are down, quick catch will be where we sneak out that little extra efficiency.
our goal: direct our propulsion backwards, not downwards or sideways.
very very nicely done today.
Then today I met with Tony the swim coach again. OH MY GOSH! I learned so much and in just 2 short lessons I have improved!! What he showed me was drills that first develop control, then form & in the long run help with distance & endurance! I'm so excited to practice & work on the drills! I'm sure by the time I get to actually meet with team for pool swims & open ocean swims I will be awesome!
Then I headed up to a warehouse sale for some tri gear! In our tri clinic they said we NEED bike shorts & eventually tri shorts & bike jerseys.
I went to the bike store & shorts were $50 I was discouraged. I can not afford that! Or the $35 tire repair kit they said we also need.
God is faithful! I got a coupon deal online for tire change kit $17 (with shipping) and at this sale for the same $50 I got bike shorts, tri shorts a tri top & a warmers!!!!
I am ready to race!!!
Coach Tony is awesome...here are his comments after working with me today!
wow. you looked great in the water today.
the last lap i watched when leaving... you looked so smooth.
reminder: the next handful of swim sessions...
keep working skate.
i want you to get to the point where it just feels natural.
ideally you get to where you can do a lap up and back and not really be thinking about anything other than how easy that was...
2nd: hesitation.
same thing here, really really focus on keeping that lead hand out until you start rotating to enter the recovering hand.
especially when breathing.
if you're dropping the hand when breathing, you're probably propping your head up a little.
keep that head low and the hand will stay up easier.
3rd: quick catch.
once skate and hesitation are down, quick catch will be where we sneak out that little extra efficiency.
our goal: direct our propulsion backwards, not downwards or sideways.
very very nicely done today.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
What I learned today...
I joined team in training because I lost my brother to leukemia & I am passionate about the cause. My life was changed forever because of cancer. I must admit I feel hesitant in some ways about the whole thing. The race is a big deal, traveling, training & the fundraising is consuming. AND being 100% honest I wasn't sure about the people. I'm sure I've written in the past how impressive the TNT team was during the marathon. The coaches & race support was incredible. Not to mention personal friends who have red with them & told me to join. I get along with pretty much anyone but my first reaction was feeling like I was being inducted to a cult (I've done direct sales & joined clubs & other things before-it's a similar feeling each time). -I know eventually TNT peeps will tea this & hope they don't take offense- I am just being honest. Yes I wanna train & do this race, yes I am honored to raise $ for LLS but I'm not so sure I want to jump in to the team thing so much. Probably the dumbest attitude (but everyone is huggy & cheery-& that is not me). I am sure I will get there & eventually be sucked in. Im sure at race finish I will be all hugs.
Anyway all that said to write that today I was blown away! Part of me feeling solo & wanting to be solo is that in training on my own (swim & run). This got scary! When I saw the coach post videos & workouts that made no sense to me I worried. So I emailed the swim coach. What did he do....he offered to meet me when I swim & teach me the drills! It was SO HELPFUL! He is a gifted teacher & patient. This showed me how committed TNT coaches & mentors really are committed to out success. My mentor gets a lot of messages from me & always replies.
Coach showed me the skate drill.
It took me awhile by eventually I got it! I can tell you already this time will be different on the swim...shoot the whole race! They are not going to let me go into this unprepared! I'm so excited to have help & guidance this time!
Coach is gonna work with me again this week & I am so glad. Here was his response to me after our lesson (I found it VERY encouraging)
Thank you!
It was my pleasure working with you this morning. I was quite impressed with your level of body awareness. It makes my life a lot easier when the swimmer can tell and feel what's "right." And, I could definitely tell that you could and made adjustments as appropriate.
You are going to be a fantastic swimmer.
If you are swimming Thursdasy morning again, I'd like to meet again to focus this time on the post-skate drills: finger drag, hesitation, and quick catch.
Those, building on top of a good skate, will lead to an easy but fast swim.
Let me know about Thursday!
I'm going to bed today feeling awesome & blessed to have this opportunity!
Anyway all that said to write that today I was blown away! Part of me feeling solo & wanting to be solo is that in training on my own (swim & run). This got scary! When I saw the coach post videos & workouts that made no sense to me I worried. So I emailed the swim coach. What did he do....he offered to meet me when I swim & teach me the drills! It was SO HELPFUL! He is a gifted teacher & patient. This showed me how committed TNT coaches & mentors really are committed to out success. My mentor gets a lot of messages from me & always replies.
Coach showed me the skate drill.
It took me awhile by eventually I got it! I can tell you already this time will be different on the swim...shoot the whole race! They are not going to let me go into this unprepared! I'm so excited to have help & guidance this time!
Coach is gonna work with me again this week & I am so glad. Here was his response to me after our lesson (I found it VERY encouraging)
Thank you!
It was my pleasure working with you this morning. I was quite impressed with your level of body awareness. It makes my life a lot easier when the swimmer can tell and feel what's "right." And, I could definitely tell that you could and made adjustments as appropriate.
You are going to be a fantastic swimmer.
If you are swimming Thursdasy morning again, I'd like to meet again to focus this time on the post-skate drills: finger drag, hesitation, and quick catch.
Those, building on top of a good skate, will lead to an easy but fast swim.
Let me know about Thursday!
I'm going to bed today feeling awesome & blessed to have this opportunity!
Monday, November 14, 2011
Silver Strand 1/2 marathon
This week I really felt like I made great strides in my training & weight loss. (haven't met the scale yet for results). I even got my kids out for a one mile run! I'm hoping they can start racing too! (although race fees for 3 is going to get expensive!)
I had my own race this weekend! I wanted to do this race even though I had not heard good things about it. The Silver Strand 1/2 marathon from Coronado to Imperial Beach Pier. I got the opportunity to volunteer at the rec expo for a free race entry-I jumped on it. My running buddies did too! I was excited to do a race with them! My friends have a lot more race experience & I am so wanting to get to that level.
Race fees are expensive so I can't afford to do as many races as I want.
Every race is a chance to learn something. I didn't follow a training schedule for this race, I just kept up my training schedule & my long runs on Saturday. Last weekend my long run was AWESOME! I felt like I could of ran a half maybe even a full marathon that day. I prayed I could feel the same on race day.
Because I spent the day at the expo I had to bring canned soup for my dinner. I learned my first lesson! Too much sodium for dinner could proof bad on race day. I slept good! The night before I slept good which doesnt always happen night before a race! AND I WAS NERVOUS!!
It poured rain all day during the expo & it was cold! Although the weather said differently it was hard to believe race day wouldn't have more of the same. I planned for VERY COLD weather & in the morning it was cold. I know myself well enough though & layered! I checked my change of clothes before race start cause I also knew I would want dry clothes after the race or I'd freeze!
Pre race was fun! Taking pictures with my friends, walking around running into people from my gym, running club, even my TNT mentor!
The race start came & I took off with my friend Stacey! We ran the marathon together & since then it has been a rare opportunity to run together since! The next lesson I learned was no matter how good you feel KEEP PACE! We were running SO FAST! It was a straight flat course & easy to go for speed BUT it is not smart! I ended up losing steam at mile 7. I had nothing left! I was exhausted! I was also starting to swell very bad (the sodium from night before caught up with me).
I just started walking. Stacey walked & gave me the "what's up" look? I said I'm done, I'm over it. We walked a 1/4 mile then ran, & repeated. Then about mile 8 we decided walking was way more fun, felt better & was much more enjoyable way to do this race. We chatted, laughed, joked, took pictures. We strolled through the neighborhood portion of the race looking at houses, waved at the old lady sitting in her window watching, got a bottle of water from some awesome spectators. I actually used the water on my swollen hands too! We called Christian at mile 10 & she was right behind us. We met up with her & chatted a bit. Right about then the 2:45 pace guy showed up. I tried to keep up with him & as I did my body responded in a good way! It was happy that I took a break, caught my breathe & that I stopped pushing it past my limits. In return my body agreed to MOVE! I was able to not only run with the pacer but pass him! I began to pass a lot of people & get some serious momentum going! I was still going my normal comfortable pace but feeling GOOD. Um feeling good except for the blazing heat from the sun roasting me! I had also made a bad move & decided to run with out my fuel belt. None of my friends were & I didn't want to be weighed down. Well none of them sweat like I do either & drinking at aid stations is plenty of rehydration for them. Not the case for me! At mile 11 I passed one runner that I now regret whizzing by. She was sitting along the side of the road, she looked like she was relaxing watching the racers. Shortly after I passed her my friend Christian DID stop & check on her. Turns out she was in distress & Christian had to call medical aid. She stayed with her until medics arrived & the girl was taken to the hospital. This was another learning experience for me. I should have checked on her & I will never run past another person like that without stopping. Who cares about finish time when someone's life could actually be in danger.
I made a pretty good pace to the finish line & finished strong! As I mustered up that last 3 miles of get up & go I congratulated myself for truly becoming an athlete. I told myself that I will be able to finish any race triathlon or running because I have determination, because I have mental strength to push myself when I feel like I have nothing left. I also was hard in myself that I didn't do better. I had to remind myself HELLO this is technically only your 2nd 1/2 marathon! HELLO a few years ago you would of died laughing if someone told you that you would be doing this! HELLO you have transformed your life & become a whole new person!! Celebrate!!!! So as I crossed the finish line I did! I let myself feel the wonderful feeling that comes when the medal is around me neck. I smiled the smile that belongs to a finisher.
& I told myself take these lessons and do even better on the next one! That is 3 weeks away!!!!
I had my own race this weekend! I wanted to do this race even though I had not heard good things about it. The Silver Strand 1/2 marathon from Coronado to Imperial Beach Pier. I got the opportunity to volunteer at the rec expo for a free race entry-I jumped on it. My running buddies did too! I was excited to do a race with them! My friends have a lot more race experience & I am so wanting to get to that level.
Race fees are expensive so I can't afford to do as many races as I want.
Every race is a chance to learn something. I didn't follow a training schedule for this race, I just kept up my training schedule & my long runs on Saturday. Last weekend my long run was AWESOME! I felt like I could of ran a half maybe even a full marathon that day. I prayed I could feel the same on race day.
Because I spent the day at the expo I had to bring canned soup for my dinner. I learned my first lesson! Too much sodium for dinner could proof bad on race day. I slept good! The night before I slept good which doesnt always happen night before a race! AND I WAS NERVOUS!!
It poured rain all day during the expo & it was cold! Although the weather said differently it was hard to believe race day wouldn't have more of the same. I planned for VERY COLD weather & in the morning it was cold. I know myself well enough though & layered! I checked my change of clothes before race start cause I also knew I would want dry clothes after the race or I'd freeze!
Pre race was fun! Taking pictures with my friends, walking around running into people from my gym, running club, even my TNT mentor!
The race start came & I took off with my friend Stacey! We ran the marathon together & since then it has been a rare opportunity to run together since! The next lesson I learned was no matter how good you feel KEEP PACE! We were running SO FAST! It was a straight flat course & easy to go for speed BUT it is not smart! I ended up losing steam at mile 7. I had nothing left! I was exhausted! I was also starting to swell very bad (the sodium from night before caught up with me).
I just started walking. Stacey walked & gave me the "what's up" look? I said I'm done, I'm over it. We walked a 1/4 mile then ran, & repeated. Then about mile 8 we decided walking was way more fun, felt better & was much more enjoyable way to do this race. We chatted, laughed, joked, took pictures. We strolled through the neighborhood portion of the race looking at houses, waved at the old lady sitting in her window watching, got a bottle of water from some awesome spectators. I actually used the water on my swollen hands too! We called Christian at mile 10 & she was right behind us. We met up with her & chatted a bit. Right about then the 2:45 pace guy showed up. I tried to keep up with him & as I did my body responded in a good way! It was happy that I took a break, caught my breathe & that I stopped pushing it past my limits. In return my body agreed to MOVE! I was able to not only run with the pacer but pass him! I began to pass a lot of people & get some serious momentum going! I was still going my normal comfortable pace but feeling GOOD. Um feeling good except for the blazing heat from the sun roasting me! I had also made a bad move & decided to run with out my fuel belt. None of my friends were & I didn't want to be weighed down. Well none of them sweat like I do either & drinking at aid stations is plenty of rehydration for them. Not the case for me! At mile 11 I passed one runner that I now regret whizzing by. She was sitting along the side of the road, she looked like she was relaxing watching the racers. Shortly after I passed her my friend Christian DID stop & check on her. Turns out she was in distress & Christian had to call medical aid. She stayed with her until medics arrived & the girl was taken to the hospital. This was another learning experience for me. I should have checked on her & I will never run past another person like that without stopping. Who cares about finish time when someone's life could actually be in danger.
I made a pretty good pace to the finish line & finished strong! As I mustered up that last 3 miles of get up & go I congratulated myself for truly becoming an athlete. I told myself that I will be able to finish any race triathlon or running because I have determination, because I have mental strength to push myself when I feel like I have nothing left. I also was hard in myself that I didn't do better. I had to remind myself HELLO this is technically only your 2nd 1/2 marathon! HELLO a few years ago you would of died laughing if someone told you that you would be doing this! HELLO you have transformed your life & become a whole new person!! Celebrate!!!! So as I crossed the finish line I did! I let myself feel the wonderful feeling that comes when the medal is around me neck. I smiled the smile that belongs to a finisher.
& I told myself take these lessons and do even better on the next one! That is 3 weeks away!!!!
Friday, November 11, 2011
Rest day
One of the things I swore I was going to do this training season is take a rest day each week. Team in Training has that on Friday because we will have our long bike/brick workouts on Saturdays. (Brick is when you bike and run back to back).
So this is week one of training & I did good. I got in the pool 3 times, 2 of which were actually good amount of laps. I went to spin twice. I got a little 2 mile run in up Las Cumbres. I did boot camp twice, strength trained twice did extra abs twice. I could of ran more I guess but I have a half marathon Sunday & after an awesome 10 mile run Saturday I think I am gonna be fine.
So today is Friday also known as Rest day. I have my kids in Thursday nights now through December so getting up for the early morning gym isn't going to happen anyway (since this means I have them here in the morning I can't leave). I got more sleep then ever! I did wake up for 20 minutes or so at 4am & was happy that I could stay in bed :) When I FINALLY got up at 8:30 I started my day, breakfast with kiddos, time to start school & wouldn't you know instant STRESS! (I love homeschooling but it can be tough). The moment the stress hit I wanted go to the gym!!! & actually what I really wanted was to swim!!! That is a good
sign that the pool aversion is ending! I actually can not go to the gym today I have a lot going on BUT I can tell on the Fridays I can, rest day will be hard. I may try to get some abs in tonight in my break at work, our TNT coaches are stressing how crucial ab work is to our training.
As you can see in the picture I am actually resting though!!!
So this is week one of training & I did good. I got in the pool 3 times, 2 of which were actually good amount of laps. I went to spin twice. I got a little 2 mile run in up Las Cumbres. I did boot camp twice, strength trained twice did extra abs twice. I could of ran more I guess but I have a half marathon Sunday & after an awesome 10 mile run Saturday I think I am gonna be fine.
So today is Friday also known as Rest day. I have my kids in Thursday nights now through December so getting up for the early morning gym isn't going to happen anyway (since this means I have them here in the morning I can't leave). I got more sleep then ever! I did wake up for 20 minutes or so at 4am & was happy that I could stay in bed :) When I FINALLY got up at 8:30 I started my day, breakfast with kiddos, time to start school & wouldn't you know instant STRESS! (I love homeschooling but it can be tough). The moment the stress hit I wanted go to the gym!!! & actually what I really wanted was to swim!!! That is a good
sign that the pool aversion is ending! I actually can not go to the gym today I have a lot going on BUT I can tell on the Fridays I can, rest day will be hard. I may try to get some abs in tonight in my break at work, our TNT coaches are stressing how crucial ab work is to our training.
As you can see in the picture I am actually resting though!!!
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Just keep swimming
I was sure I used this title for a previous blog post but I didn't see it anywhere....while looking though I a few past blogs caught my eye. I am amazed at how far I have come and the change in me both physically, emotionally and spiritually. To think of where I was in all those areas of life when this all started to where I am now! I also don't know what would have happened to me had I not got off the couch and started! Especially when my brother passed...I read how I ran 7 miles on his birthday WOW! I remember that day, I also remember the day of his memorial I ran 5 miles. There is something about that time I spend alone training that brings me a great peace. As a EXTREMELY busy single mom I think it's the only me time and time with God I really get. My days are so full and not regrettably, it just it what it is.
So running seems to be my go to place BUT that needs to change AND FAST! In just 4 short months (or regular months actually-the length of days is not different...just seems that way) I have to swim one mile in the ocean in Hawaii!!!! The pool needs to be my new happy place! I am not a strong swimmer...I suck at swimming!!! I have yet to do much but back stroke and doggie paddle through my races. I need and want that to change. I'm not sure how I assume that will happen when I avoid the pool as much as possible!!!
I know better, I know I need to swim to get better. There was a time when 3 miles was torture for me to run, but as I said before I found a 7 mile and 5 mile run soothing after I stuck with it! I need to just get in and start where I am at and just keep swimming!
It is a lot easier to just run then it is to just swim. With swimming you have to have a suit, goggles, cap, towel, flip flops and you have to SHAVE haha Not to mention you have to go out in the cold and jump in the cold pool (ok that is not always the case but it is right now). Ideally I would like to swim during the day BUT as a homeschooler I have to put school as the priority each day and it takes FOREVER...there is never any gym time left before work in my day. SO that means I have to get in the pool during my normal gym time 5:30 am BRRRRRRR also means I have to give up some of the other workouts I enjoy like boot camp.
I came up with a plan though! I could no longer put off getting in the pool it was time to swim! So when time changed last week I decided this was an opportunity for me to trick my body into more time to work out. If I got up an hour early my body wouldn't know any better and I could swim prior to my 530 work out. Well Monday came and I packed all my stuff to swim and to change and do boot camp. I got to the pool and to be honest realized the 70 degree water was probably going to feel better then the 45 degree cold air outside the pool.
I jumped in and swam. My stamina SUCKED but I did it. I just swam a 100 yards at a time and rested. I'm just glad I did it. You what ended up being the hardest part was getting out!! It was FREEZING, I'm sure as we get into winter this will only be worse. Luckily the jacuzzi is open and give me a chance to defrost before I go work out.
I tried this routine Tuesday too BUT I had worked out too much Monday and my body was TIRED. Today was awesome though and I did it! I know I can keep this up and even some days swim instead of boot camp as my workouts get longer in the pool. I am very confident now that I can keep this up and eventually I will rock that Lavaman swim....
NOW I need to figure out how to get on my bike and not fall and not be scared of that!!!
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Team in Training
I had to switch blog apps...very frustrating that I typed this blog out & it was lost, my second attempt at it I only re-wrote a portion & it was lost :(
I know I have talked about the Lavaman race since my blog started almost...so much happened to get me to this moment where I find myself on the team!
Now everything is happening FAST! Training has begun, donations are coming in (thank you!), letters are going out, my 1st fundraiser is coming up!
Our training season began last week with the kick off event. There was a TnT rally where we were introduced to our honorary teammate Bianca a young cancer survivor in remission. A rep from LLS talked with us about how the fundraising we do impacts blood cancer patients & research. We also were shown the TnT swag we earn for reaching fundraising milestones. Some of it doesn't motivate me BUT there is a sweatshirt I would like ;)
After the rally we went to the triathlon meeting & went over with coach the basic training schedule & bike rental/purchase options. This was followed by a fundraising workshop.
It is a lot to take in all at once & hard to believe that in just 4 months the race will be here.
One thing that is looming over me and definitely making we nervous is my schedule prevents me from doing a lot of training with the team. Swim workouts are Mon and Wed nights starting Dec 28th i will be able to attend every other Wed. I feel like I will be so behind! I will never make the track workouts on Tues evenings. The open water swims on Sundays I will make it to every other weekend swim. What I will be able to do it go to ALL but one Saturday morning workout. The bike & brick trainings! I have been told these are the most important!
Our first Sat training was this week. It was not a physical training it was a clinic. Coaches had a different station set up for each sport & transition& a fundraising info table. I had done my long mileage run right before this (10miles) & the first thing when I arrived they snapped a picture if me for the team website! :-/ Then I got my official team card & swim cap!
The card proves we are current member of TNT & allows us discounts some places & lists all the coach/mentors contact info.
The stations were to help us know which gear we MUST have, what is nice to have & what is pointless! I did actually learn quite bit!
After the clinic there was an abs session, led by my mentor Kristen. She said "& I'm going to have Katie come help me demonstrate" ?!?!!!!! Wow nothing like being put on the spot in front of 60+ strangers. Luckily for the most part I didn't make a fool o myself. They did a small run after that but I had to go somewhere by noon. It is pretty exciting finally getting started & scary too!!!
I know I have talked about the Lavaman race since my blog started almost...so much happened to get me to this moment where I find myself on the team!
Now everything is happening FAST! Training has begun, donations are coming in (thank you!), letters are going out, my 1st fundraiser is coming up!
Our training season began last week with the kick off event. There was a TnT rally where we were introduced to our honorary teammate Bianca a young cancer survivor in remission. A rep from LLS talked with us about how the fundraising we do impacts blood cancer patients & research. We also were shown the TnT swag we earn for reaching fundraising milestones. Some of it doesn't motivate me BUT there is a sweatshirt I would like ;)
After the rally we went to the triathlon meeting & went over with coach the basic training schedule & bike rental/purchase options. This was followed by a fundraising workshop.
It is a lot to take in all at once & hard to believe that in just 4 months the race will be here.
One thing that is looming over me and definitely making we nervous is my schedule prevents me from doing a lot of training with the team. Swim workouts are Mon and Wed nights starting Dec 28th i will be able to attend every other Wed. I feel like I will be so behind! I will never make the track workouts on Tues evenings. The open water swims on Sundays I will make it to every other weekend swim. What I will be able to do it go to ALL but one Saturday morning workout. The bike & brick trainings! I have been told these are the most important!
Our first Sat training was this week. It was not a physical training it was a clinic. Coaches had a different station set up for each sport & transition& a fundraising info table. I had done my long mileage run right before this (10miles) & the first thing when I arrived they snapped a picture if me for the team website! :-/ Then I got my official team card & swim cap!
The card proves we are current member of TNT & allows us discounts some places & lists all the coach/mentors contact info.
The stations were to help us know which gear we MUST have, what is nice to have & what is pointless! I did actually learn quite bit!
After the clinic there was an abs session, led by my mentor Kristen. She said "& I'm going to have Katie come help me demonstrate" ?!?!!!!! Wow nothing like being put on the spot in front of 60+ strangers. Luckily for the most part I didn't make a fool o myself. They did a small run after that but I had to go somewhere by noon. It is pretty exciting finally getting started & scary too!!!
Monday, November 7, 2011
San Diego Biggest Loser
Well I am at it again! Another weight loss competition has begun! I wish that I was kicking this challenge off where I left off last time...sadly I'm up 15lbs from lowest weight.
This challenge is an individual competition via Facebook. I'm approaching this with the same determination I have in the past, what I am doing different this time is approaching this as a lifelong commitment!
Last time I said I can do anything for 6 weeks which proved to be true...sadly after 6 weeks I slowly returned to my old habits & the weight slowly came back on :(
This time I'm doing this as the catapult to permanently change my relationship with food,FINALLY get to my goal weight AND STAT THERE!!!
Here is my weight in before picture

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
This challenge is an individual competition via Facebook. I'm approaching this with the same determination I have in the past, what I am doing different this time is approaching this as a lifelong commitment!
Last time I said I can do anything for 6 weeks which proved to be true...sadly after 6 weeks I slowly returned to my old habits & the weight slowly came back on :(
This time I'm doing this as the catapult to permanently change my relationship with food,FINALLY get to my goal weight AND STAT THERE!!!
Here is my weight in before picture
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Please check out my Team in Training page! I'm really happy with how it turned out. I hope to find the time to update it during training.
So about this whole TNT & Lavaman race...
Let me back up awhile.. maybe after my first triathlon, the mini super sprint. I met Jeanie from work, she did the ironman. She began to share with me her passion for triathlons. She patiently took me on my first open water swim & first ride on my bike. She has raced with TNT & been a mentor for a few years. She suggested I look into the group. At the time I had no interest in fundraising for Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS). She also told me I HAD to do the Lavaman. That it is such an awesome race! (she also wants me to do an ironman someday as well).
All these ideas/suggestions were pushed to the back of my mind as I had which ever upcoming race & you know my life as a single, working, home schooling, training mom forefront.
Then my brother got sick & I did the Rock n Roll marathon. That races raises funds for LLS. it is the biggest TNT race event each year. There were TNT members from all over the continent in the race! I believe somewhere around $300,000 dollars was raised for LLS (don't quote me!)
What was really cool that I saw on the race was the support TNT members had. There were coaches all along the route encouraging & helping their team members. They had their own cheering squads. They barely went half a mile with out someone there for them in some capacity.
I knew I was going to at some point join TNT. my good friend Deana did the Rock n Roll marathon twice with TNT & all along had described to me what I saw first hand.
Then Jeanie told me coach Gurujan the TNT tri coach was retiring after this years Lavaman season & now was the time to do it. Not only that but because Coach is leaving everyone is trying to get on the team & there is limited spots.
It came down to a few days where I needed to decide if I was in or out. & even if I was IN I may not get IN the race!
I woke one of those mornings & didn't wanna go but went to the gym. I trained with my friends Kathy & Nancy. I was going to Kathy's for coffee after but first I had to get a run in. Well I didn't have to...that is the thing with working out & training you never HAVE to do anything. It's a choice to put get out of bed & put one foot in front of the other. So I went on my run & as usual once I got going & pushed through the blahs it was a good run. As I ran I thought about my brother & how it must of been to wake up every morning not wanting to be sick, not wanting to fight for his life. I realized I HAD to get on the TNT team, I had to do everything I could to honor his memory.
I emailed & called TNT. I told my story & desire to get on the team. I was given the details: there was 65 spots for Lavaman team & unlimited spots on the local Superseal race. The team registration opens 10/4 & bibs will be assigned first come first serve. Anyone not on Lavaman team will be wait listed & put on Superseal team. Everyone will train together & if spots open for Lavaman people will be added to team.
I stayed up past midnight on 10/3 & sent in my registration! Within a day or two I found out I got the spot!
What I think i was really worried about is the commitment. I am basically consuming my life for 20 weeks with training & fundraising for this race! It is also the longest triathlon I will ever do! Olympic distance .9 mile swim, 24.8 mile bike, 6.2 mile run.
Once on the team we got our websites & join the team yahoo email group. This is where we get all the info for trainings, group meet ups, other team members Fundraisers. We are assigned a mentor to help get us through the whole process!
Our first team meeting was at Rock Bottom Brewery (practicing what they call the 4th event) it was very festive! I got there not knowing anyone & figured out who coach G was. I went up & introduced myself. He was VERY nice & asked how I came to TNT. I told him about my brother & brief race history & my commitment to honor Noel.
The formal part of the evening started with Julie the triathlete manager getting up & giving a few details & then she introduced coach. He got up & started with his thank you's first he thanked his long time girlfriend. Next he thank Katie (yes ME) he said I actually just met Katie & we spoke only a few minutes. But she is here representing all of you. She lost her brother to leukemia in December. This is her first season with TNT. All of us are here because like her our lives have been impacted by blood cancers. It was an emotional moment for me but also how I want this experience to be.
I was able to meet my mentor Kristen & her husband. I can tell this is a fun group & I've been assured I will be more than ready for my race.
I got the training schedules & must admit looking ahead to the final 40 mile bike ride, the 2 mile ocean swim & the practice tri at moonlight beach (where tri-Kate panicked & got out of water) seem impossible! I have the added challenge of not being able to make A LOT of the workouts! They are in the evenings when I work. I will be able to attend every Saturday am workout (I've been told the most crucial). Track workouts are Tues nights I will miss all those :( Swim workouts are Monday & Wednesday nights. I will be able to go twice a month on Wednesdays. Open water swims start in January on Sunday afternoons & I will make a few of those.
I know the 20 weeks is gonna fly by. I'm praying for God to guide me through this & help me keep balanced. The fundraising is daunting but I have some good ideas & events planned. I'm confident in the end everything will come together in God's timing.
Please check out my Team in Training page! I'm really happy with how it turned out. I hope to find the time to update it during training.
So about this whole TNT & Lavaman race...
Let me back up awhile.. maybe after my first triathlon, the mini super sprint. I met Jeanie from work, she did the ironman. She began to share with me her passion for triathlons. She patiently took me on my first open water swim & first ride on my bike. She has raced with TNT & been a mentor for a few years. She suggested I look into the group. At the time I had no interest in fundraising for Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS). She also told me I HAD to do the Lavaman. That it is such an awesome race! (she also wants me to do an ironman someday as well).
All these ideas/suggestions were pushed to the back of my mind as I had which ever upcoming race & you know my life as a single, working, home schooling, training mom forefront.
Then my brother got sick & I did the Rock n Roll marathon. That races raises funds for LLS. it is the biggest TNT race event each year. There were TNT members from all over the continent in the race! I believe somewhere around $300,000 dollars was raised for LLS (don't quote me!)
What was really cool that I saw on the race was the support TNT members had. There were coaches all along the route encouraging & helping their team members. They had their own cheering squads. They barely went half a mile with out someone there for them in some capacity.
I knew I was going to at some point join TNT. my good friend Deana did the Rock n Roll marathon twice with TNT & all along had described to me what I saw first hand.
Then Jeanie told me coach Gurujan the TNT tri coach was retiring after this years Lavaman season & now was the time to do it. Not only that but because Coach is leaving everyone is trying to get on the team & there is limited spots.
It came down to a few days where I needed to decide if I was in or out. & even if I was IN I may not get IN the race!
I woke one of those mornings & didn't wanna go but went to the gym. I trained with my friends Kathy & Nancy. I was going to Kathy's for coffee after but first I had to get a run in. Well I didn't have to...that is the thing with working out & training you never HAVE to do anything. It's a choice to put get out of bed & put one foot in front of the other. So I went on my run & as usual once I got going & pushed through the blahs it was a good run. As I ran I thought about my brother & how it must of been to wake up every morning not wanting to be sick, not wanting to fight for his life. I realized I HAD to get on the TNT team, I had to do everything I could to honor his memory.
I emailed & called TNT. I told my story & desire to get on the team. I was given the details: there was 65 spots for Lavaman team & unlimited spots on the local Superseal race. The team registration opens 10/4 & bibs will be assigned first come first serve. Anyone not on Lavaman team will be wait listed & put on Superseal team. Everyone will train together & if spots open for Lavaman people will be added to team.
I stayed up past midnight on 10/3 & sent in my registration! Within a day or two I found out I got the spot!
What I think i was really worried about is the commitment. I am basically consuming my life for 20 weeks with training & fundraising for this race! It is also the longest triathlon I will ever do! Olympic distance .9 mile swim, 24.8 mile bike, 6.2 mile run.
Once on the team we got our websites & join the team yahoo email group. This is where we get all the info for trainings, group meet ups, other team members Fundraisers. We are assigned a mentor to help get us through the whole process!
Our first team meeting was at Rock Bottom Brewery (practicing what they call the 4th event) it was very festive! I got there not knowing anyone & figured out who coach G was. I went up & introduced myself. He was VERY nice & asked how I came to TNT. I told him about my brother & brief race history & my commitment to honor Noel.
The formal part of the evening started with Julie the triathlete manager getting up & giving a few details & then she introduced coach. He got up & started with his thank you's first he thanked his long time girlfriend. Next he thank Katie (yes ME) he said I actually just met Katie & we spoke only a few minutes. But she is here representing all of you. She lost her brother to leukemia in December. This is her first season with TNT. All of us are here because like her our lives have been impacted by blood cancers. It was an emotional moment for me but also how I want this experience to be.
I was able to meet my mentor Kristen & her husband. I can tell this is a fun group & I've been assured I will be more than ready for my race.
I got the training schedules & must admit looking ahead to the final 40 mile bike ride, the 2 mile ocean swim & the practice tri at moonlight beach (where tri-Kate panicked & got out of water) seem impossible! I have the added challenge of not being able to make A LOT of the workouts! They are in the evenings when I work. I will be able to attend every Saturday am workout (I've been told the most crucial). Track workouts are Tues nights I will miss all those :( Swim workouts are Monday & Wednesday nights. I will be able to go twice a month on Wednesdays. Open water swims start in January on Sunday afternoons & I will make a few of those.
I know the 20 weeks is gonna fly by. I'm praying for God to guide me through this & help me keep balanced. The fundraising is daunting but I have some good ideas & events planned. I'm confident in the end everything will come together in God's timing.
Friday, October 21, 2011
Time Out
I got put in time out...I was completely down for the count for a week. Started with a fever and head cold symptoms on Monday, then Tuesday I realized I couldn't work cause my cough and voice wouldn't work 6 hours. Wednesday I went to the Dr and was taken off work through Friday got put on antibiotics for sinus infection and ear infection. By Friday I was still now well so the Dr extended the work leave through Sunday. That is 7 whole days off work!!!
This also meant 7 days of no gym!!!
That is by the longest break I have ever taken off from any excercise of any kind. Add to that I really slacked off the week before, I felt like I was losing my drive!
What bad timing I felt like! I JUST signed up for the biggest race yet! I've blogged about it and talked about it for years now-LAVAMAN 2012. I have thought about joining Team in Training and raising money for the Leukemia Society in memory of my brother.
I was a good girl and rested rested rested AND it turned out that it gave me lots of time to take care of some stuff that I probably would have not been able to do for awhile.
I set up my fundraising website, sent out some emails, got started on my fundraiser planning.
I also used the time to mentally regroup myself. I had totally fallen off the good eating train! I have gained 13 pounds back from what I lost. It is so frustrating and disappointing to allow myself to backslide so far. I decided that I was gonna hit the ground running once I was well.
I thought about my success in the past and the will power and determination I had. I also know what worked to keep me on track was my food journal! I also never missed a work out! Yet just a week ago I skipped a few!
I am not kicking myself for my relapse at all...I understand it happens. BUT I also know I need to get back in "the zone". I want to do this next triathlon lean and fitter then ever.
I got a food journal because the iPhone apps I tried to use just arent time effective for me. I commited to starting Monday. It went well for the whole week (well better then I have been) I made more workouts AND I have donations coming in from my website.
I reflected on my time out and there was so much good that came from it. The first thing was the amount of time I got to be with my kids so much! I definitely enjoyed not having to go to work, too bad I couldn't do much else then lay on couch. I spent a lot of time thinking about my brother and why I am doing all this. I am of course doing it for me to be healthier and happier but also to honor my brother.
This also meant 7 days of no gym!!!
That is by the longest break I have ever taken off from any excercise of any kind. Add to that I really slacked off the week before, I felt like I was losing my drive!
What bad timing I felt like! I JUST signed up for the biggest race yet! I've blogged about it and talked about it for years now-LAVAMAN 2012. I have thought about joining Team in Training and raising money for the Leukemia Society in memory of my brother.
I was a good girl and rested rested rested AND it turned out that it gave me lots of time to take care of some stuff that I probably would have not been able to do for awhile.
I set up my fundraising website, sent out some emails, got started on my fundraiser planning.
I also used the time to mentally regroup myself. I had totally fallen off the good eating train! I have gained 13 pounds back from what I lost. It is so frustrating and disappointing to allow myself to backslide so far. I decided that I was gonna hit the ground running once I was well.
I thought about my success in the past and the will power and determination I had. I also know what worked to keep me on track was my food journal! I also never missed a work out! Yet just a week ago I skipped a few!
I am not kicking myself for my relapse at all...I understand it happens. BUT I also know I need to get back in "the zone". I want to do this next triathlon lean and fitter then ever.
I got a food journal because the iPhone apps I tried to use just arent time effective for me. I commited to starting Monday. It went well for the whole week (well better then I have been) I made more workouts AND I have donations coming in from my website.
I reflected on my time out and there was so much good that came from it. The first thing was the amount of time I got to be with my kids so much! I definitely enjoyed not having to go to work, too bad I couldn't do much else then lay on couch. I spent a lot of time thinking about my brother and why I am doing all this. I am of course doing it for me to be healthier and happier but also to honor my brother.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Trying something different
This week I took a friends offer & joined her at Crossfit. I guess you could say it's the new thing in fitness. These gyms are popping up all over. I can't exactly explain it all that great. It's a cross between a personal trainer, boot camp, circuit work out place???? I was excited to try it AND see how I measured up! They have 2 levels of work outs and the goal is to improve the time it takes to do specific exercises. They post on the walls the top achievers of each exercise AND even have crossfit competitions (I've been told it is shown on espn).
You arrive at crossfit and the warm up along with the level 1 and level 2 workouts are posted on a white board. After you finish the warm up that consists of cardio, plyometrics and stretching the trainer goes over the work out and starts the timer. I ended up going 3 times this past week. It was the most intense workouts I have ever done. The first day we did rowing machine 500 yards, dead lifts 12 times and 21 box jumps, 3 rounds!!! It took an hour total but the workout which is timed was 25 minutes or so. I could not believe the work out I got in such a small amount of time. I like someone else making the plan and just following it and the ide
of improving each time & competition (top acheivers in each excercise are posted on the wall). I headed back for more the next day. This work out was a 1 mile run, then 10 burpees, 20 sit ups 5 rounds!!! followed by another 1 mile run. We had chose the level 2 work out. I was sweating like mad! So much the owners wife showed concern and told me dont worry about doing it all just do as much as you can. I was fine I told her. I should come with a sweat disclaimer.
Saturday I did my long run and was done with crossfit but that day I had hooked up my friend Becky to go to the free class with my girl. Becky loved it and wanted to go back for the class on Sunday (every Sunday 10am is a free session). It was a partner work out so I agreed to go along. Becky is one of the most fit people from Jason's B Cubed. She and I were both feeling way out of shape in this class. As partners you had to complete one at time together 100 kettle bell swing, 100meter fireman carry, 150 pushups, 100 m fire man carry, 100 push presses, 100 m fire man carry and then 150 split lunge jumps (hate this the most of anything in the whole world). It was BRUTAL. As I type this 2 days later I am still barely able to move.
The crazy thing is I love the way this feels! It is definitely the next level in fitness and something I wish I could get into. There is no way I could afford the fees $150 per month. While the value is there I just dont have the $ and I would be concerned about getting my money's worth when I also have to tri-train.
I am just so busy with my life, work , mommy, homeschool etc. Working out has to fill in to my little bit of free time.
I am so glad that I tried it and will definitely take many more free classes. I just dont plan to pay for it anytime soon.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
You arrive at crossfit and the warm up along with the level 1 and level 2 workouts are posted on a white board. After you finish the warm up that consists of cardio, plyometrics and stretching the trainer goes over the work out and starts the timer. I ended up going 3 times this past week. It was the most intense workouts I have ever done. The first day we did rowing machine 500 yards, dead lifts 12 times and 21 box jumps, 3 rounds!!! It took an hour total but the workout which is timed was 25 minutes or so. I could not believe the work out I got in such a small amount of time. I like someone else making the plan and just following it and the ide
of improving each time & competition (top acheivers in each excercise are posted on the wall). I headed back for more the next day. This work out was a 1 mile run, then 10 burpees, 20 sit ups 5 rounds!!! followed by another 1 mile run. We had chose the level 2 work out. I was sweating like mad! So much the owners wife showed concern and told me dont worry about doing it all just do as much as you can. I was fine I told her. I should come with a sweat disclaimer.
Saturday I did my long run and was done with crossfit but that day I had hooked up my friend Becky to go to the free class with my girl. Becky loved it and wanted to go back for the class on Sunday (every Sunday 10am is a free session). It was a partner work out so I agreed to go along. Becky is one of the most fit people from Jason's B Cubed. She and I were both feeling way out of shape in this class. As partners you had to complete one at time together 100 kettle bell swing, 100meter fireman carry, 150 pushups, 100 m fire man carry, 100 push presses, 100 m fire man carry and then 150 split lunge jumps (hate this the most of anything in the whole world). It was BRUTAL. As I type this 2 days later I am still barely able to move.
The crazy thing is I love the way this feels! It is definitely the next level in fitness and something I wish I could get into. There is no way I could afford the fees $150 per month. While the value is there I just dont have the $ and I would be concerned about getting my money's worth when I also have to tri-train.
I am just so busy with my life, work , mommy, homeschool etc. Working out has to fill in to my little bit of free time.
I am so glad that I tried it and will definitely take many more free classes. I just dont plan to pay for it anytime soon.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Details details
In my haste to get another completed blog on my page I missed some details...
Wave #5
The first wave in the race was military & public service. 2nd was the fundraising team for the colitis foundation (the race charity). Not sure what 3 & 4 were but our wave was the first all female group.
As we were waiting there was so many chicks in my group that were first timers. I found myself telling THEM you will be fine, once you get through the swim it's easy, by the time you get to the run you won't even remember swimming. I suggested getting a swim buddy to them.
Everyone has friends with the or significant others waiting with them until go time & here I was alone & pumping up complete strangers!!! It was very surreal :)
Swim buddy
I also got myself a swim buddy. & since I told everyone to get one I made sure to grab one before they ran out! Turns out the swim buddy I had either wasn't experienced or was not good :( We introduced ourselves & hopped in the water & he was just sort of there. When we started he just swam along not even right next to me but like 6 feet away. He didn't say anything while all the other swim buddies were talking their racers through each stroke. I just kept plugging along realizing he was kinda a lost cause. Then as we got around the last buoy another swim buddy asked him to keep an eye on another racer as he was going to help the laggers. So at that point I was still a ways from the finish but didn't even want that buddy anymore. It was shortly after that I saw my cheering squad & made my final dog paddle to the end of the swim
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Wave #5
The first wave in the race was military & public service. 2nd was the fundraising team for the colitis foundation (the race charity). Not sure what 3 & 4 were but our wave was the first all female group.
As we were waiting there was so many chicks in my group that were first timers. I found myself telling THEM you will be fine, once you get through the swim it's easy, by the time you get to the run you won't even remember swimming. I suggested getting a swim buddy to them.
Everyone has friends with the or significant others waiting with them until go time & here I was alone & pumping up complete strangers!!! It was very surreal :)
Swim buddy
I also got myself a swim buddy. & since I told everyone to get one I made sure to grab one before they ran out! Turns out the swim buddy I had either wasn't experienced or was not good :( We introduced ourselves & hopped in the water & he was just sort of there. When we started he just swam along not even right next to me but like 6 feet away. He didn't say anything while all the other swim buddies were talking their racers through each stroke. I just kept plugging along realizing he was kinda a lost cause. Then as we got around the last buoy another swim buddy asked him to keep an eye on another racer as he was going to help the laggers. So at that point I was still a ways from the finish but didn't even want that buddy anymore. It was shortly after that I saw my cheering squad & made my final dog paddle to the end of the swim
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Monday, September 19, 2011
I just may be a triathlete!
It is so hard for me to believe I have done 4 triathlons now! (Technically one was a duathlon since swim was cancelled).
I have learned so much through training and participating in races. This time was no different. I wish the there was a huge spiritual revelation like with the race last year or the marathon. BUT it was different this time. I was more going through the motions cause I had to. I planned to do this race with my friend and she was signed up but between having a new baby and wedding things didn't work out the way we planned.
I trained for this race with the same schedule as before but skipped a few work outs (which I never did before). I quit on the swim distances a lot cause I was struggling. So going into it I was sure I had the stamina and endurance to finish but I didn't do the yardage, mileage or time I did before.
The one thing I find most difficult with training and working out is I want to do it ALL!! I want to hit all the boot camps, meet my friends for out strength trainings, spin class, swim laps, bike, running club....between being a mom, homeschooling, working it is hard to get the time. Also childcare is an issue if I can't be at the YMCA. My kids dad is very cool about watching them for my running club but asking to go on long bike rides as well...I just couldn't ask. I fit in only one ride this time on my actual bike. (Same as last time I rely heavily on spin class).
OK so enough about my training or lack there of....let's get on to race day.
There was so much different this time about race day too. This was the first time I was going to the race solo. My friend was supposed to meet me but I had a feeling it was going to be a strain on her to get there (and turns out she didn't make it). Last year she met me bright and early and took me to the race, stuck with me until I hopped in the water.
So in an effort to keep my nerves in check I took a leisurely approach to my race morning. I got up, braided my hair, made some oatmeal, got my gear loaded in the car. I moved about my morning with a light and breezy feeling. Checked my list one last time and headed on my way. I noticed it seemed a bit late to get on the road but remembered last year my nerves just got worse and worse waiting. At this rate I was not going to have a long wait. As I approached downtown and the race I glanced at the clock in my car 6:15am, the race started at 7am...a thought crossed my mind...."ummmm I may have read somewhere transition closes at 6:30a?" So and I understand this is illegal but I pulled up my email as I was driving downtown and yes there it was on the race info TRANSITION AREA CLOSES 6:30am
That is where breezy ended and pure panic set in....Was I really gonna miss setting up transition and miss doing the race?! How would I ever live this down!!!! Was this a subconscious attempt on my part to get out of this?! EEEEEEEEEKKKK!!!!
I got downtown and parked at 6:28ish and saw there was still people walking their bikes and gear to transition...whew I thought I should be ok. I had not done what I was supposed to and marked myself with my # tattoos (temporary), labeled my bike, put on my wristband etc etc (typical Katie stuff). So the gal checking people into transition got frustrated that I was trying to pull all my stuff out of envelope & let me in.
I got to my spot and set up my transition EVERYONE WAS READY BUT ME!! They had their tatts on, wetsuits on, the announcer was telling everyone to exit the area and go to the race start. I got set up QUICKLY! I used my water bottle to get the tatts on and squeezed in to my wetsuit-for the only time since I bought it!!! (another typical Katie move).
I went over to the race start and this is where I realized I was in this all alone. My kids Dad had refused to bring my kids to see me (due to a scheduling conflict with it being football season-He will be available sometime in Feb), my friend was no where to be heard or seen from, later in the race I hoped to see my cousin during the run part. It seemed so surreal watching everyone huddle with their friends, kiss their significant others good luck and there was me. At the marathon there was a sign a spectator had (or someone said it can't remember) "it is what it is" that is how I felt. Nothing was gonna change that I was about to jump in the water, swim 500 yards, get out and bike 10 miles, then run a 5k. In that moment I focused on #1 getting a swim buddy (it seemed a lot of people wanted one and I didn't see a ton of buddies) #2 how far I have come from last year! I was racing in the athena division last year. (which is the last wave so the wait was awful). Now here I was lighter, faster and more fit then ever!
I got my swim buddy and our wave #5 was up fast! We had about 2 minutes in the water before out horn blew. I have not swam in salt water pretty much since last year's race, except for frolicking in the ocean. I did a few warm up strokes just to get my face in the water. When we started I did really good at first (just like last year). I just tuckered out so fast! The difference between this year and last year is I kept pushing. I really was so slow and it seemed like it was taking forever!!! As I rounded the first buoy this one swimmer was freaking out!!! Screaming she couldn't breathe she was gonna die (thanked God real quick that was not me) and swam by her as a paddle boarder got to her. In the race you can hang on to the board and rest if you need to as long as you dont move forward (FYI). I believe they talked her down and she completed the swim. I was side stroking, freestyle A LOT of back stroking. I was having the hardest time catching my breath which made it pretty impossible to breath freestyle. I started to lose my head a few times and totally talked myself calm! HUGE breakthrough from last year. I was pretty much dog paddling the last 50 yards or so when I heard someone shouting my name????
I look up at the crowd and there are my friends Christian and Stacey! Talk about an injection of motivation! I finished that swim (in other words dog paddled faster). They have people to assist you out of the water and boy was I so wobbly!!! Thank God he was there!
I got up the stairs and ran to the lamest wetsuit peelers known to man! I was screaming pull the thing OFF!!!!!!!!!!!! I got it off ran to transition. Sadly my bike was easy to find as it was pretty much the last one in my area. Besides the panic girl I think I was the last one out of the water. (Note to self...SWIM MORE).
I got my bike shoes on sucked up half a gu and a swig of water and headed out on the bike.
The bike course was changed days before the race, sadly we would not be able to ride on the Naval base which was on of the coolest part of last year. Instead we were doing a loop down Harbor Dr twice (it was 3 loops for the Olympic distance), I honestly thought I was flying through the bike course and was thinking I would be done in around 30 min (ok 24 haha). I whizzed by my friends who were all over the place it felt like.
Side note: they had told me they would try to make my race but had other commitments. I really did not expect to see them. Well not only did they lie but they had planned this for weeks. Even had signs to cheer me on. Having them there put the biggest smile on my face the whole time! It feels so good when you know people are behind you and believe in you. AND if it were not for Christian and her camera there would be no photographic evidence that I even did the race!
At the end of the bike portion I dismounted and it was hard to run in my bike shoes so I actually took them off and headed in my socks to transition. Bad thing was a stepped on my wetsuit and got one sock wet before the run. This is where I made a huge mistake I didn't take another gu as planned and I took off on my run with out water. My thought was that there was water stations on the run and it was short. I thought I would run faster with out a water bottle weighing me down. The issue came up quickly that I was depleted and needed water and electolytes UGH!
Almost immediately in the run I got a cramp in my calf that almost took me to the ground! I kept going though, it felt like slow motion. I couldn't get my body to listen to my mind. My mind said GO FASTER!! My body said hey I thought we were breezy?! So I chugged along at a snail pace. It took F.O.R.E.V.E.R. to reach the first water station! I walked through it and drank a couple cups of water. My body thanked me and allowed me to continue on the run with a little bit more pep. This was literally the longest 3.1 miles EVER! I walked through the next water station too and hydrated....never realized how amazing water is for the body (I highly recommend it). Then I was almost out of Seaport Village and headed toward the last 1/2 mile or so. I got a text so I checked my phone/ipod/runkeeper and it was from my friend telling me she was not coming. I checked the time and my goal was to finish in 1hr 30 min. I was actually making great time and well on my way to my goal?! No clue how that happened! I pushed myself that last bit of the race! The last .1 is the LONGEST! My friends were waiting for me at the finish!
Shortly after crossing the finish line my cousin texted me and said she was waiting on the run course for me. She came over to the finish to see me. Truth be told I am glad I am so fast that she didn't make it haha!
My final time was 1:31 24 minutes off last years!
Just before the race God revealed to that He had given me my race verse. Silly me I had shared it twice in the week with other people. And as I was headed down I thought wait I dont have my verse. Then I realized He had used me to share it so that I would recall it in this moment!
Joshua 1:9
This is my command-Be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord God is with you whereever you go.
I carried that promise with me the whole time & reminded myself of it over and over!
God is always faithful in the little stuff and the big stuff and the sweaty stuff!!!!
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