Saturday, January 21, 2012

Open water swim

I wish that I could add soundtrack to this blog...something doom and dread...I don't know maybe even that Jaws theme...
If you were to go back in time you would read about my actual first ocean swim. It was with Jeani my original mentor :) and you would read about my second ocean swim. The one where I chickened out at Moonlight beach and swore to return to conquer that beach someday (and guess what that one is coming).
This was my first open water swim with the Team. It was also my first swim in COLD water. When I swam with Jeani it was summer, still cold but I was with out a wetsuit back then. So we met at La Jolla shores. There was a lot of talk pre swim this time. Coach went over a lot of stuff. Then we all got in our wetsuits...can I just mention how happy I am that mine still fits after the holidays! AND that we are not revisiting our old favorite blog post fat girl little wetsuit!
So first thing we did and the part that had me nearly in tears I was so scared to do, was get in the water and dunk our suits and get WET. Lots of people are afraid of sharks or what is in the ocean. That is not me! I have spent most of my life on the ocean and I love the ocean and all its lovely creatures. Yes I love to kill and eat a lot of them BUT I still love them! I know there are sharks but I also know the risk of shark attack is so slim. I swam at the actual beach in Kauai where famous surfer Bethany Hamilton was attacked by a tiger shark. Not afraid of whats in the ocean. I am not afraid of drowning, even though I am not a strong swimmer. I have frolicked and snorkeled everywhere I have ever been that had salt water. I realize that even if I was out far and exhausted I could stop and float or tread water until a skilled and life saving trained (gorgeous single male) lifeguard saved me. I know how to swim out of a rip current. I really am not fearful of an accident. I also would NEVER swim alone. What had me gripped with anxiety was the COLD water. There is something about being in that stinging cold water I hate. My first tri when I went in the bay with out a wetsuit and was hyperventilating and in pain from the cold water. Every time I put my face in the water it felt like needles. I dread that!!!
So I was obviously apprehensive about it as Coach asked me how I was feeling I told him I was so not into this.
SO we headed out to the water and yes the water was cold! I wanted to quit, get out say nope too cold, not fun, I hate this GOOD BYE (but of course I never would). Coach counted down and everyone wetted the inside of the suit. Some people with sea water others with their pee. I have yet to pee in my wetsuit. I have never been able to pee in water. Which apparently is now a curse I live with. After the dunk there was shrieks and laughs it was definitely a "team bonding moment". We got out (in the back of my head I am hoping that's all folks). Then coach had the mentors demonstrate a surf entrance they swam out to the kayaker sag guy & demonstrate a surf exit. I thought awesome good job are we done. NOPE coach said ok GO! We had all formed or been assigned buddies (in my case-since I'm still avoiding bonding with my teamies). My swim was awful. I had such a hard time finding a rhythm , breathing properly, keeping my face in the water. Form was out the window I was in survival mode (also called dog paddle). I made it out to the kayak and back. As I can back to dry land coach said how was it? I said I am so happy to be on dry land. In my head I was thinking YES, I did it, took the plunge whew that is ov.....alright team head back wait did he just say...& off we went again! The second time was a lot different. I was able to do way more right. I breathed way more relaxed and spent more time actually swimming the dog paddling.
So there I was round two done and I was feeling pretty good! Coach did a little body surf lesson that didnt go over well because there was NO WAVES. Then he says ok team back out again. WHAT!!?!?!? Has this man not heard of baby steps! I barely get out of my car to do this stuff each week and now he want me to swim farther!!
Well maybe 3rd time is a charm cause that last swim felt really good! I did even more right and even though it was slow I finished that swim.
These two days of workouts left me soaring! I really felt like I could do anything! I have gone out and done things I really didn't believe I would be able to. That is what faith can do....

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