Monday, January 9, 2012

Race #1 of 2012

I can't recall the exact # now BUT I am pretty confident it is 12 races in 2012. & I honestly hope that is all I do! First race of the year was the Resolution Run 15k on Mission Bay. I do love my long runs & 9.3 miles is a great distance for me...except...that I had my first TNT brick workout the day before! I was very concerned what if any energy I would have left for the run! I didn't have a pace plan or finish time goal, just wanted to have a nice fun run to kick off the new year. Christian also signed up so we hung out pre-race. I also ran into several speedy boot camp friends. As we took off any hopes of keeping up with them were quickly dashed. Pretty quickly ino the race Christian (who was getting sick) sent me off on my own. That meant both ear buds in & get into my groove. Running along the bay is just fine, done it too many times to count. What was ahead was the looming soul sucking black hole that is Fiesta Island. Last time my feet carried me around this beast was the end of the marathon (& that was the short loop). We had to go the long way around the most depressing route around the island. It was the bulk of this race mileage. I swear I went through so many spurts of energy & moments of break down on this one stupid island. I think it was the marathon flash backs that got to me. I kept plugging along & in the times I felt good pushed hard & then tried to get energy in me to keep going. I didn't wanna stop & walk to refuel cause I was trying to keep up with a few racers. One chick I tried to pace with got all competitive with me. I pulled ahead of her mile 6 & 7 only for her to blow by me mile 8-finish. I asked her after about her intervals & just like a few other people have told me it helped her finish.
I was happy with my sprint to the finish line, my race pace was the usual & my finish time not pathetic.
I do know had I ran on rested legs & hit up more fuel pre race (and had my lucky hat) I could of done even better!
One race done eleven to go!

1 comment:

  1. I still can't get over this picture...your tummy is so flat! I think this is one of your better pictures, ever! I love that there is a count down for your races, that's fun!
