Monday, July 12, 2010

OK so I SUCK @ blogging....

I can't believe how lame I am at keeping up with this...

So I ran the 4th of July 10k. I wish I hadnt signed up for it during triathlon training because I spent the 2 weeks prior to the 10k so focused on running. I never got up to 6 or even 5 miles like I had hoped. I ended up doing 4.5miles a few days before. I wasnt sure what would happen when I did the 10k. What happens after 4.5 miles I kept wondering. I set my goal to just go the 4.5 miles I knew I could do and then if I felt like walking I would BUT I ended up running the whole 6.2 miles!!! the last 1/4 mile is all down hill which was NICE.
The feeling of setting out to do something I didnt ever think I could do and acheiving it is something I can't describe but LOVE!!! I was ready to give up, back out and not show up...but I went and didnt stop until I finished. Im not fast, didnt finish first, didnt finish last either...
I'm so proud that I kept it up and saw it through.
glad that it is over so now I can focus on the triathlon which is fast approaching!!!

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