Thursday, July 1, 2010

set backs, & steppin up

10 days since my last post...I thought I would be better at this. Well I certainly have trained in the last 10 days. About the middle of last week I was ready to call off the 10k. I didn't think I could so it. A 5k I'm running no problem but there was like this wall I was hitting. Well Saturday I busted down that wall. I did a run by my home 4 miles with out stopping. It's cool that I did it on an outdoor run cause it boosted my confidence for the race. Then yesterday I did 4.5 miles on the tredmill 60minutes non stop. I know I can push myself to finish the 10k. I wish I hadn't stuck this race in the middle of my tri-training but I know this will help my endurance!
After the race I am going to pour everything I got into tri-training! The bike & run distance I can do by themselves. Its the swim that literally freaks me out. I decided to swim 3 times a week & run 1-2 times & bike once. Until its time to double up & do them back to back.
I have a prayer I keep praying: Lord thank you for making me a runner now could you help me become a swimmer.

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