Saturday, August 21, 2010

big wave kate.....NOT

I think my last blog post was about my triumphant 1st ocean swim! Well today was my next attempt @ open ocean swimming @ Moonlit Beach in Encinitas. Its a popular training beach & my new mentor met me out there. The water was stinging cold which did not set the best mood for me. I got in & got wet & was hyperventilating from the shock of cold & just plain fear! :( can't really say what I was afraid of...the waves were definitely bigger, so I was intimidated. But I can't say I was afraid of drowning, maybe of the waves kicking my ass. Plus when I tried to swim the water was soooo churned up it just kinda freaked me out. GEEZ I felt so lame! We got out walked around went back in & I couldn't muster it together like I did before! I dove under waves tried to body surf them, took maybe two swimming strokes but just didn't have it in me. One or two waves had got a hold of me & I couldn't shake off the fear. So I quit :( I gave up. Not for good but for now. The thing is I know I can do it, I just didn't feel ready today. In my defense this other chick that had a wetsuit & swim cap from the half iron in hawaii didn't go out past the breakers either...
I'm not giving up I'm gonna keep at this & one day I will conquer those waves


  1. Yes you will!!! You are gonna do AWESOME!

  2. Wow...all I can say is WOW! And, I can barely muster enough courage to get into the pool. You are so awesome! I know you will conquer this, just like you said. It isn't if... just when. You really are in inspiration, K.

