Tuesday, August 31, 2010

a new helmet :)

This deserves its very own post...
I have come to realize that mastering 3 sports is fun, challenging & exciting. But it also means you need gear for 3 sports. There is so much STUFF you can get. Some improves your speed, training some enhances the experience (I don't know if I'm saying that right). Some stuff matters some stuff doesn't. (To me at least). God is so good that I have all the bare essentials. Shoes, bike & swimsuit. I was blessed with goggles! & was using my son's bike helmet. I felt a little silly & a new helmet was on "the wishlist". My son's helmet is black with flames shooting down the side. I was @ the store with a ladies gray bike helmet in hand debating if I should splurge....the answer was no, I really can't afford it. SO as I walked out of the store a friend called & said she had a helmet I could borrow!!! I was so excited! See how good God is :) I'm happy enough to have a loaner helmet for my race!
So imagine my surprise when she comes over & hands me the exact same helmet I almost bought & I noticed it is signed?!?! My first thought was oh this is special to her I can't borrow it. Then she explained she had all my friends sign it & select a scripture for me!!! I couldn't help but cry. It's one of those moments where you feel so blessed & loved by God through others. I know everyone would appreciate a gesture like this but to me it was such a huge gift. The fact that everyone is supporting me in this means volumes. That they went out of their way to do this. I love it so much! I went for 2 rides & I must say I ride a little better cause I don't feel so dorky with the kids helmet & I'm wrapped in the Word!! I now have a loner road bike but it needs pedals so I can use it. I can't even imagine how cool that would be to have a real race bike & new helmet on race day!!!
I love my friends & thank God for always blessing me in the little things showng me He cares about me in every detail!!!

1 comment:

  1. That is so awesome! I am so sorry I didn't get the chance to sign it, but I would have added the verse I posted on your FB wall. I am so proud of you, Katie girl!!

