Friday, August 27, 2010

uhhhhh week in review????

I wanted to post after each workout this week...but life & facebook keep getting in the way! I have a very specific training schedule I got from this website. The way my weeks go I kinda gotta see what workout fits in where & mix it up! Monday I was supposed to practice T1 or my first transition. Ideally I would get wet (in shower, pool, ocean) run to my transition area about 50yds away & practice getting into my cycling stuff. There wasn't really a conveinent place to do that so I moved my long run of the week to Monday. It was 60min. I opted for gym/tredmill. I have found my pace is 4.5 miles an hour. Anymore & I run outta steam. Also I found that if I slow down & walk to get some H2o I have a hard time getting & staying going again. Its hard to keep going when I wanna stop or slow down. It is like inner-conflict in my brain. Part of me says just walk the last 7 min. The other part says what the heck is wrong with you?! You come all this way & can't run 7 more minutes?!?! I finished the last 7 min running. It always feels incredible when I don't quit! If I were totally honest I must say I am kinda mean to myself in my self talk! I guess I know myself well enough to know I need tough love.
Tuesday was a pool swim day. I went @ 6am before my kids got dropped off. It helps the day if my workout is done like that before their Dad drops them off :) I really focused on bilateral breathing! I'm getting better & my swimming & stamina in the pool is good!! It is actually at the point where I think about a billion other things when I am swimming besides my swimming!!
Wed. My plan was to do a 2 hour bike ride around the lake by my folks & they would watch my kids. I was gonna add air to my tires first...well like an idiot I didn't know what I was doing & actually deflated my tire. The pump my dad had wasn't the right kind so I couldn't get air back in it :( I had to regroup & reschedule. I went to the gym. I needed to do a 70min cycle followed by 30min run this week so I worked on that. At the gym I can only leave the kids for a max of 1.5 hrs so I rode the bike for 50min/12miles & ran for 20min or so. When I run after cycling I can actually hit a faster pace...weird but true.
Thurs was a beach day with friends so I did another ocean swim @ the same beach I did my first one. WOW I did way better this time! I'm actually breathing/swimming and not swallowing the whole ocean. SO RAD! I was pretty exhausted. Hope race day I have energy left after the swim!
Today is friday & I decided to rest. My shin hurts pretty bad & I had a busy day.
Tomorrow I plan to do the 2hr bike ride. I went & bought an air pump today but then a friend actually loaned me a road bike!! SWEET!!! That paired with the amazing gift of a new helmet this week...I tell you I just may be becoming a triathlete!!!

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