Saturday, October 1, 2011

Details details

In my haste to get another completed blog on my page I missed some details...
Wave #5
The first wave in the race was military & public service. 2nd was the fundraising team for the colitis foundation (the race charity). Not sure what 3 & 4 were but our wave was the first all female group.
As we were waiting there was so many chicks in my group that were first timers. I found myself telling THEM you will be fine, once you get through the swim it's easy, by the time you get to the run you won't even remember swimming. I suggested getting a swim buddy to them.
Everyone has friends with the or significant others waiting with them until go time & here I was alone & pumping up complete strangers!!! It was very surreal :)
Swim buddy
I also got myself a swim buddy. & since I told everyone to get one I made sure to grab one before they ran out! Turns out the swim buddy I had either wasn't experienced or was not good :( We introduced ourselves & hopped in the water & he was just sort of there. When we started he just swam along not even right next to me but like 6 feet away. He didn't say anything while all the other swim buddies were talking their racers through each stroke. I just kept plugging along realizing he was kinda a lost cause. Then as we got around the last buoy another swim buddy asked him to keep an eye on another racer as he was going to help the laggers. So at that point I was still a ways from the finish but didn't even want that buddy anymore. It was shortly after that I saw my cheering squad & made my final dog paddle to the end of the swim

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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