Wednesday, March 28, 2012

2 mile swim

After so many months the day came for our last team work out before the race. This day had taunted & tortured me on the schedule for almost the whole time. Seeing 2 mile ocean swim had me worried from day one. I knew there was no way I could ever do that. It was too scary, too far, too hard.
All those concerns recently went away. After diligently practicing & working on ocean swimming when the dat approached I was ready (at least ready to give it my best effort with zero fear). I was excited & looking forward to cove swim the day before.
I literally got sea sick swimming! This definitely made me worry. Swimming 2 miles with nausea & vomiting was a challenge I was NOT ready to deal with! The team met up & coach explained that the point was to go further then the race distance but all the way would be from La Jolla Shores to the cove get out of water at cove stand on the shore & then back. I got my swim buddy/buddies & after coach gave a moving inspirational mission moment we took off. It was very hard to swim in a straight line for some reason. The water was flat calm & visibility was 40 feet maybe more. I could see the bottom the entire swim almost. The cove seemed so far away! & it didn't get closer very fast! I kept my head down & just kept swimming, knowing that was the only way I was gonna get there. Once we got into the cove it was familiar water. I got into shore stood up & high fived anyone that was near. I was ready to head back! Let's do this! I hurried my swim buddies in the water & we headed back on a much straighter course. I was pleasantly surprised the swim was easier then I thought. The ocean was so calm. About 1/4 mile into the swim back my elbows started to get sore & my neck. I chose to ignore it there was nothing I could do. I just kept thinking of my brother & telling him I was swimming across the ocean for him.
La Jolla shores got closer & closer & the realization that I was going to finish this almost made me cry! I got out if the water & I did cry! I felt so proud that I did it. Even more though I was so proud of myself for the work I put in to be ready for this! It almost felt better then finishing a race (I hope finishing Lavaman feels this good! It's been a few days & I'm still soaring from the accomplishment! Once I finished this swim I REALLY felt like I can do anything AND I felt ready for Lavaman!

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