Friday, October 8, 2010

she's got abs!!!!

So I ended up having a rough week since Monday's boot camp. I did swim on Tues and hit the jacuzzi BUT my hamstrings seemed to get more & more sore! I could hardly walk!
I was in no shape to go to boot camp Wed. morning :( it was supposed to be run day but it was raining so I assumed there would be no run outside.BUT with the soreness there is no way could have done class.
That is a really weird long way of saying I ditched class...
Wed was a rough day on the home front I had a day off & ended it with a horrible migraine :(
Thurs was supposed to be our last Disney trip before our passes expire. Between the rain, my leg pain & migraine I wanted to cancel. I woke up Thurs with my headache very mild, my legs still aching. I ended up getting my kids Dad to come with us to Anaheim. He took the kids on the rides & I took it easy & walked slowly around the park. I'm glad my kids got to go and by the end of the day I felt better.
So today I had to get back on it. My legs felt just a tiny sore so I figured I could push through any pain. Wouldn't you know run day was moved to today. We did 4 miles!! & yes I was slow & yes everyone had to run back to me :( my boot camp friend Crystal ran with me at least. We did abs when we got back. I was so discouraged after the run I felt like the instructor was gonna tell me I'm not cut out to be in class. That I should not come back.
Then as we started sit ups, something amazing happened! I could do sit ups!!! Hahahaha. I did more then I'd ever done! I could feel the strength in my abs! I could totally tell the difference!
I'm excited to keep going & getting better & stronger!!!
No race plans yet BUT I swear I am making a decision SOON!!!

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