Friday, October 29, 2010

Quitting Boot Camp

Well something happened today that surprised me!
I went to Boot Camp & as usual there were a few newbies (or at least new faces to me). Sometimes there has been returning regulars so I never know until someone confirms.
Warm up today was normal torture then he had us get Bosu balls. We were doing burpies then lifting the ball over head with a high jump. 2 minute intervals with 30 second rest inbetween. After the first set one of the newbies subtly slipped out of class!!! I don't know who if anyone besides me say him bail. I thought 2 things 1 I can't believe he quit! And 2 I'm so proud of myself that I've never given up!
I've said before that people have come & not returned but seeling someone actually bail shocked me!
Today was the instructor birthday and after watching him torture people with extra push-ups, high jumps & clappers the class tried to coax him into something anything & he got away with doing nothing! Hahahaha

Even though last week I made it to 5 workouts I'm still happy that I got to power hour twice & boot camp twice!
Monday I was exhausted from wedding festivities & a 12 hour shift the day before that!
What is so cool with each work out is the progress I am making. In fact just the getting outta bed to go each time is making me feel impressed. It is so hard especially now that its dark and cold @ 5am to get up & go. The mental battle is an everyday thing! BUt once its over or in those moments when I'm doing more than I did the last time I FEEL INCREDIBLE!
This week we went back to the beggining and did the same run we did my very first boot camp. I did WAY more this time then I did when I started. What a gauge of how far I've come. What isn't a good gauge (well its accurate sadly) is the scale! I haven't lost one pound. I need to work on what I eat!
Next week I plan to start the running training in addition to my classes . It is a good time to revamp the diet AGAIN!
There is a few people from class that are on the tredmill or eliptical before or after class (some both)! I will be joining those ranks! One day a week I am gonna try to hop in the pool after class as well.

On a side note: I decided what to be for Halloween!!! A triathete hahahahaha :D

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