Thursday, October 28, 2010

Showdown @ Sundown

It is official! I am signed up for my next race! It is March 26, 2011 at Lake Las Vegas.
To be honest I was hesitant to sign up. I wonder if I can do it. Yes I realize I have already done this before. But for some reason it doesn't seem possible the fact that I have already done 2 races is some sort of fluke. I have a water bottle from the last race that says triathlete and I swear I feel like a fraud using it.
The final push to take the leap was my cousin from Colorado. She is doing the same race we will be meeting up there after probably 20 years!
The hard part now is going to be working training for triathlons & the marathon into my schedule. AND I still wanna do Boot Camp!! I can't help it I actually love it now!!!
I made a plan that in theory should work for a while until sessions get longer. So I just have to see what happens!

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