Thursday, May 19, 2011

Team Challenge Part 2...the finale??

I wish I had pictures of my team this time. There was so much that was different about this round of the challenge besides just our members. Denise had done the challege last time with me, then Nancy & Mayra. They have all done challenges before (quite a few) this time Denise quickly dropped out, she said for health reasons. Nancy's sister Kathy is a friend from boot camp & we all agreed she should join us for our work outs so we have a 4th. Kathy is a fishy girl so we are cut from the same cloth and she is a total bad ass!! All three of these ladies are actually! They have been working with Jason a while & lost a bunch of weight too.

Jason was different this time, he never checked our food journal one time...which was good for me since I failed miserably about keeping it up! Since I was not on point with my journal I definitely failed more then a few days. Easter I splurged, Mother's Day I splurged, I took a bite or two of my kids food. I ate out once or twice, used my long runs as an excuse to indulge. I ate frozen yogurt a few too many times!

I did still work my butt off in the gym and while I say I cheated I stayed the course a majority of the time. I guess the thing that bugs me is had I stuck with it like last time I would be down more weight BUT we still won the challenge and I still won the biggest loser. I would have liked to win by a bigger margin like last time.

My total weight loss this time was 14.4 and 6.75% of my body weight.

My starting weight before the first challenge was 187 (yes I am posting my weight)

I ended the first challenge at 165.6. The second challenge I started at 166.6 and ended at 152.2.

Total loss 34.8 pounds.

If you had told me when I started the first challenge in Jan I would be 35 pounds lighter I would not have believed you!


  1. I N S P I R I N G
    I love that you took before, between, and after pics and are so willing to share is what is truly motivating me. xoxo

  2. Great job -- all the hard work paying off!
