Sunday, May 1, 2011

Tri-Kate is BACK!

I have officially signed up for my next race! Sept 11. 2011 TriRock San Diego! I signed up for the sprint distance (there was an Olympic distance option this year).
Tomorrow is the Mission Bay spring sprint triathlon which was the race I did last year. My first race, the one that started I all!
I wanted so bad to do the super sprint race but I know I need to focus on the marathon. I had a friend come to town this weekend so it helped me resist the urge I've had the last 2 weeks to go for it!
It's hard not to reflect on everything that has happened this past year. & I went back to read some old blogs! I have changed so much physically but also inside too!
I am still a work in process! So excited to keep progressing, get to my goal weight & take on this next race!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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