Sunday, June 20, 2010

the fruit flush

After a rough couple weeks with my stomach I have decided to try a new eating plan/diet. Friday I got up early & went on a 6 mile hike (iron mountain). It's awesome for endurance and calorie burning (I think-i sure do sweat) the only downside this time is I fell really hard. The most damage went to my elbow. I was pretty sore all over. Could of been from the hike or the fall.
I had already planned to do the 3day fruit flush Sat-Mon & part of the plan is to limit excercise. The flush doesn't leave much energy for big workouts.
It hasn't been as hard as I thought...well I've had some moments
Day one is a protein shake every 2 hrs with a green salad & protein for dinner. Day 2-3 is fruit every 2 hrs with a green salad & protein shake for dinner.
I hope it will help me kick start training & maybe even lose some weight!!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

stay focused

Today was one of my best/favorite workouts. After taking a regretable break I finally feel like I'm getting back to where I was. Today I ran a 5k in 45min. That was my best time. I don't run fast but I really kept my pace almost the whole time! It's also the distance I will be running in the next tri! I do however NEED to run 6.2 miles on July 4th for the 10k I signed up for. Seriously what was I thinking?! I have about 2 wks to get ready for that one. Tomorrow I was set to do a five mile run but I have a chance to do a 6 mile hike & I can't pass that up. It's hard for me to get away to hike. It will still help with the endurance aspect.
Monday is the 12 wk mark to the next race & I begin my official training. I'm also gonna start a new eating program. It's really gonna help me health-wise & with training! Especially if I can stick to it. Gonna start with 30 days, commit to it & see how I feel, what results I get & if it is easy enough to stick to long term.
I'm starting with a 3 day fruit flush. Its supposed to detox the body. Says it is good for before you start a new training or diet.
My friend made me a cheat sheet and the last tip at the bottom says "stay focused". That is my new mantra! I'm going to stay focused on the task @ hand, the goal ahead & the results I seek!!!!

Monday, June 14, 2010

blogging isn't as easy as I thought...

I thought it would be easy to jot a note about each workout after I did them...not when I'm a busy, working, training single mom with way to much on her schedule as it is!
So another lesson learned.
I had such a rough week of workouts! I read in the Ebook I printed out for training for your first tri that it takes double the time to get back your fitness when you take time off. SO TRUE!! I took a week or two...ok like 3 off after the last race & I swear I am still not back where I was!!
Let me go backwards through the last few work outs...
Yesterday Sunday was actually supposed to be a rest day but I've been so crappy all week I figured I could use another day. I ended up throwing my bike in the car when I left to take some stuff to my parents. I didn't have my kids & there is a lake by their house that I can ride at. It is 5 miles around the lake. Which I actually had a rough time getting around once! BUT me being me I went for a second lap. Funny the second lap almost seemed easier (go figure). That 10 mile bike ride was just what I needed to feel back in the saddle...uh and a little saddle sore OUCH! I made a mental note I need padded bike shorts! & a new helmet (I had to use my dad's extra harley weenie looking helmet).
Saturday I woke up with horrible stomach cramps! (This is the second time after fri nite sushi I woke up sick!) So another lesson I am limiting Sushi (and beer) to one nite a month for training puposes.
This was supposed to be my big run day! 4.5 miles!!! I sucked it up & went for it. Turns out the tredmill shuts down after an hour & with my 15min mile & slowing down for abdominal cramping I only got 3.5 or so in an hour. I started back up and got to 4 miles but tuckered out in the end. I was still happy I got a good long jog in (let's be honest that can not be called running).
Friday was a classic lesson learned!! Thurs I worked on Laundry & things around the house. My fishing plans for Friday had been cancelled so I decided skip the workout Thurs & do it Fri....well the urge to fish wouldn't subside Thurs nite so I arranged a sitter for Fri morning. The lesson: don't put off todays workout for tomorrow because that is dumb!!! So Friday I got only 4 hrs sleep hopped on the boat @ 630am got home around 1. Took the sitter home went to gym & did 2 exhausting miles!! OMG I was sooo tired!! Never again will I put it off (note: haven't made it to the gym today as I write this warning to myself HA).
So Wed. was about cardio/endurance I wanted to do 20 tredmill, 20 bike 20 eliptical. I ended up 20 tredmill & 25 bike. I'm just getting so tired much easier! Finding it hard to push throught those moments.
I am going to work this new diet plan in the hopes it will help in the training areas! I will write about the new plan soon!!!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

gotta sleep more...gotta eat better

I should of wrote this down on Tues 6/8 but already I am behind in my blogging. I don't wanna always focus on what went wrong. Not that my workout being a challenge means something is wrong. It is apparent to me now that a lot of factors will effect my training. On this particular day I just didn't get enough sleep. Due to #1 staying up the nite before and #2 my kids deciding to wake up earlier then usual. I also grabbed about a cup of cottage cheese and ate it on my way rushing out the door. So I arrived at the gym sleep deprived & not fueled properly. Normally I can go 20min jogging before I even consider slowing down but I found myself hardly able to jog at all. The goal was 3 miles. Another disappointing event was I had horrible tummy issues. To the point where after 2 miles I took a break care of some of those issues. I thought surely I will be able to finish strong now. I did finish the last mile and pushed throught my exhaustion but really know now I need to consider & factor in my sleep & diet into training. I always am proud of myself when I leave the gym though. Even if it is tough & I struggle to finish I always make my goal!! I'm not gonna give up!!!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

maybe I can do this!!!

Woke up to a rough morning. I was a little sick :( OH NO I gotta run today!! I got a little rest and was able to get up. Popped a motrin for my pounding head & went to the gym. 4 miles was the goal for today. I have never ran that far yet. I told myself even if you have to walk the 4 miles just finish what you set out to do. It was a lot of walking, a good amount of runnin and some sprinting BUT I DID IT! Not only that I finished the 4 miles jogging! It wasn't easy, I wasn't fast but I finished. That is how I feel about the tri. I just wanna do it & give it my best!

Friday, June 4, 2010

"high school hot katie"

While talking about training with a friend today he asked if I was dieting as well......long silence I'm struggling so much in that area! He said come on! You can be high school hot katie! My thought (I was HOT in high schol???) Sad to think that I have NEVER seen myself that way!
Todays workout called for 50 minutes cardio. I wanted to get in the pool. Swimming IS going to be the hardest part of this next race! I didn't do 50 min in the pool. Or swim nonstop more than 50 yds. BUT I did 30 min + and every time I wanted to get out and stop I went another 50 yds. I used the kickboard a few laps just to keep the momentum going.
The cool thing is every time I hit the gym my confidence grows!
Who knows maybe I will gain the strength & will to change my eating & become a triathlete & high school hot katie!!!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

will? power?...where is the willpower?

I have conquered so many challenges in my life. Yet when it comes down to my diet or nutrition I struggle. I just started going to the gym this Jan or Feb after I committed to the super sprint tri. I found it easy to get myself to the gym knowing I had the race. Which is why I signed up for this next race. I wanted to keep it up & push myself even farther.
Each time I go to workout that is exactly what I do. Today the goal was 2 miles (which a few weeks ago before my break was EASY) today I had to go 2.0 a few times for water but as I found myself heading towards my goal I pushed the speed up to 6.0 (normally I run 4.5) I have NEVER run 6.0! What possessed me to go for it? #1 I wanted to finish HA & #2 I get a rush pushing myself! I felt incredible! Tomorrow my schedule says 50min cross train! I want to swim but don't think 50min in the pool is where I am at yet! I wish I could find the drive & willpower to change my eating habits. All the work I put in at the gym I am sabotaging via my mouth. I also know that if I plan to be an athlete I need to look at food as fuel. I plan to get some books and start learning more about what other triathletes do to fuel their bodies!!!

gotta train...gotta blog

I'm on a journey, I finished a Super Sprint triathlon a month ago. I guess I got the racing bug. So I signed up for a sprint triathlon in Sept. I've decided for accountability to blog about my journey to become a triathlete.I printed a book online that has a 12 week schedule & is really encouraging & thorough! I slacked off training the last few weeks since the last race & had a tough day @ the gym today getting back on it! Tomorrow should get easier...right?