Thursday, June 3, 2010

will? power?...where is the willpower?

I have conquered so many challenges in my life. Yet when it comes down to my diet or nutrition I struggle. I just started going to the gym this Jan or Feb after I committed to the super sprint tri. I found it easy to get myself to the gym knowing I had the race. Which is why I signed up for this next race. I wanted to keep it up & push myself even farther.
Each time I go to workout that is exactly what I do. Today the goal was 2 miles (which a few weeks ago before my break was EASY) today I had to go 2.0 a few times for water but as I found myself heading towards my goal I pushed the speed up to 6.0 (normally I run 4.5) I have NEVER run 6.0! What possessed me to go for it? #1 I wanted to finish HA & #2 I get a rush pushing myself! I felt incredible! Tomorrow my schedule says 50min cross train! I want to swim but don't think 50min in the pool is where I am at yet! I wish I could find the drive & willpower to change my eating habits. All the work I put in at the gym I am sabotaging via my mouth. I also know that if I plan to be an athlete I need to look at food as fuel. I plan to get some books and start learning more about what other triathletes do to fuel their bodies!!!

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