Thursday, June 17, 2010

stay focused

Today was one of my best/favorite workouts. After taking a regretable break I finally feel like I'm getting back to where I was. Today I ran a 5k in 45min. That was my best time. I don't run fast but I really kept my pace almost the whole time! It's also the distance I will be running in the next tri! I do however NEED to run 6.2 miles on July 4th for the 10k I signed up for. Seriously what was I thinking?! I have about 2 wks to get ready for that one. Tomorrow I was set to do a five mile run but I have a chance to do a 6 mile hike & I can't pass that up. It's hard for me to get away to hike. It will still help with the endurance aspect.
Monday is the 12 wk mark to the next race & I begin my official training. I'm also gonna start a new eating program. It's really gonna help me health-wise & with training! Especially if I can stick to it. Gonna start with 30 days, commit to it & see how I feel, what results I get & if it is easy enough to stick to long term.
I'm starting with a 3 day fruit flush. Its supposed to detox the body. Says it is good for before you start a new training or diet.
My friend made me a cheat sheet and the last tip at the bottom says "stay focused". That is my new mantra! I'm going to stay focused on the task @ hand, the goal ahead & the results I seek!!!!

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