Thursday, June 10, 2010

gotta sleep more...gotta eat better

I should of wrote this down on Tues 6/8 but already I am behind in my blogging. I don't wanna always focus on what went wrong. Not that my workout being a challenge means something is wrong. It is apparent to me now that a lot of factors will effect my training. On this particular day I just didn't get enough sleep. Due to #1 staying up the nite before and #2 my kids deciding to wake up earlier then usual. I also grabbed about a cup of cottage cheese and ate it on my way rushing out the door. So I arrived at the gym sleep deprived & not fueled properly. Normally I can go 20min jogging before I even consider slowing down but I found myself hardly able to jog at all. The goal was 3 miles. Another disappointing event was I had horrible tummy issues. To the point where after 2 miles I took a break care of some of those issues. I thought surely I will be able to finish strong now. I did finish the last mile and pushed throught my exhaustion but really know now I need to consider & factor in my sleep & diet into training. I always am proud of myself when I leave the gym though. Even if it is tough & I struggle to finish I always make my goal!! I'm not gonna give up!!!

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