Thursday, April 14, 2011

There is no crying in the gym

This week I have pushed myself & I'm happy with my hard work, I am feeling that I worked hard but part of me wishes I did more haha!
Today I was so sore in the gym! I almost cried during leg exercises!!! It's good Jason is there to encourage me...well actually he just tells me to do it, no kid gloves with that guy ;)
I'm doing a terrible job on my food journal/ calorie counting! I am pretty much eating the same stuff day after day BUT unlike the last challenge little bites of extras are finding their way to my mouth (example: a bite of my son's pizza today). I knew my calories exactly last time was weighing my food, tracking everything. And the weight fell off! This time it's not hmmmm maybe it's time to keep track!!
I have done good as far as resisting temptations!
Went to a fabulous BBQ place

I had a salad

At work I have said no to candy, cake balls & other treats
I did snack a few times on snack mix & turkey jerky (again no calorie count) :(
I'm losing but not the numbers of a winner so things gotta change!

Another thing that is changing is I'm quitting the running club at the Y. I guess at this point since I've already been on my own I could go it alone. BUT I don't wanna rely on myself to plan the runs, it helps me to have a time & place to be for this & to run outside. A friend contacted someone she knew that is a mentor for a running club & got me in it for the last few weeks of training at a prorated discount. This club is well established & I think will suit my needs. If it actually delivers all the promises...the striders was supposed to but really didn't. I have confidence that this will be better & help me get through the next 53 days of training & be ready for the marathon!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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