Monday, December 13, 2010

my deleted blog

Gosh that was SO frustrating!!! The thing is it is totally my fault for writing my blog via blackberry. I do not like to get on my computer...I just seem to lose precious time when I get on there. So many distractions. It is wierd how I have to use every second of every day now as a single mom.
There still is not enough time to do everything. Its usually the cleanliness of my home that suffers (its not gross but definitely not ever as tidy as I prefer).
So what did I write about.
I wrote about what a fan of the Biggest Loser I am. That show has always inspired me! This is probably the first season I didn't watch every single episode while stuffing my face & actually am doing physical activity. I relate so much to what the contestants experience. The way they conquer challenges they never knew they could. They find strength within themselves. Most of all they have this mental/emotional transformation which is totally what I needed & experienced through my last tri. (God has given new purpose for my future races we will cover later).
Also watching the reunion episode when 33 past contestants did an olympic distance triathlon WOW!!! That is twice the distance I'm going! These are people who were HUGE & now they are triathletes!!! So amazing. Also each season they have the biggest loser marathon well now that I am doing my first marathon it really sucked me into their experience. To watch these contestants finish (most faster then I'm able) when only months earlier they were 100 pounds plus or minus heavier makes me see that all you need is the will to finish!
I remember in a past season watching one contestant swear they could not jump on a box step. Its a platform maybe 2 feet high & you jump both feet straight up onto it and down. This was me in boot camp!!! Something in me kept saying I can't! I was afraid I wouldn't clear the top & crash! 3 different times I just stepped up & down instead. All the while remembering watching the same this on BL. So finally the next time it was box jump time I just went for it & you know what I DID IT!!!!! It is an amazing feeling to overcome a fear & do something that previously you thought there was no way you could!
The other things I shared about was last week on run day we had a new guy. He was so chipper @ 530am & jazzed we were going for a run. He had on his race tee from whatever marathon he had done & to be honest was a fast runner....that is until a 1/2 mile into our run he hit a curb & went flying through the air & crashed down!!!! Everyone gasped. He popped back up & kept going (I'm sure embaressment fulled that). I kept thinking Jason our instructor was probably freaked out having someone hurt on his watch. The guy was a trooper finished the run & all of the work out. BUT he did live out my biggest fear falling on the first day of class. I still worry about falling but now everyone is my friend as I am a regular & it wouldn't be quite as embaressing!
I also shared about Friday mornings new person. Jason called her Sandy (turns out her name was Stacy-Jason felt bad). She was an older bigger lady I guess Jason knew her from the last weightloss challenge. She started out with us & as soon as the warm up was almost over she tried to leave! Jason went after her!!!! That would be so hard for me!! He brought her back & yelled no one let Sandy leave!!! He encouraged her to go at her own pace do what she can but stick with it! Most new people that hang around notice that all of us struggle through the workout ITS BOOT CAMP!!! I was so proud of her that she did it!!! Everyone cheered her on! I think everyone at one point was the new person & remembers what it was like I SURE DO!! I hope she comes back! I can see the progress I have made & also have made some friendships (mostly facebook friends).
I think that was about it! I'm going to go right into another blog but will shut this one down now....

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