Saturday, March 26, 2011

Day before the race

When I did the half marathon I kept thinking I would so much rather do that my race is TOMORROW!!!! I think I much prefer only running!!!!
My race is at Lake Mead by Las Vegas. I drove out yesterday to meet up with my cousin & her hubby. I'm glad I drove out when I did so I have a little time to adjust and relax before the race.
We took a little 2 miles run this morning

Then we went out to Hoover Dam which is about 3 miles from our hotel & the race start.

After the dam we went to pick up
The race packets & listen to the race briefing.
This is where my panic begins!!!
The water is 55 degrees!!!! If it actually gets any colder or rough from winds the swim part will be canceled!!
I'm not sure if I'm praying for that to happen or not...
Then we went to do a little bike ride and me to get more practice with my clips

I fell two times and successfully stopped 3 times...I didn't fall on any of my starts...
I don't know that it helped my confidence levels whatsoever. Well maybe a little...until we drive the race course and I see my portion of the bike is straight up hill!!!!
The way I am feeling is like in not ready, didn't train enough, this race is way too hard for me...
I have been praying more the last 24 hrs then I have in a while.
I think I have resolved that this race will not be conquered unless the Lord gives me the ability to finish...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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