Friday, November 11, 2011

Rest day

One of the things I swore I was going to do this training season is take a rest day each week. Team in Training has that on Friday because we will have our long bike/brick workouts on Saturdays. (Brick is when you bike and run back to back).
So this is week one of training & I did good. I got in the pool 3 times, 2 of which were actually good amount of laps. I went to spin twice. I got a little 2 mile run in up Las Cumbres. I did boot camp twice, strength trained twice did extra abs twice. I could of ran more I guess but I have a half marathon Sunday & after an awesome 10 mile run Saturday I think I am gonna be fine.
So today is Friday also known as Rest day. I have my kids in Thursday nights now through December so getting up for the early morning gym isn't going to happen anyway (since this means I have them here in the morning I can't leave). I got more sleep then ever! I did wake up for 20 minutes or so at 4am & was happy that I could stay in bed :) When I FINALLY got up at 8:30 I started my day, breakfast with kiddos, time to start school & wouldn't you know instant STRESS! (I love homeschooling but it can be tough). The moment the stress hit I wanted go to the gym!!! & actually what I really wanted was to swim!!! That is a good
sign that the pool aversion is ending! I actually can not go to the gym today I have a lot going on BUT I can tell on the Fridays I can, rest day will be hard. I may try to get some abs in tonight in my break at work, our TNT coaches are stressing how crucial ab work is to our training.
As you can see in the picture I am actually resting though!!!

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