Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Team in Training

I had to switch blog apps...very frustrating that I typed this blog out & it was lost, my second attempt at it I only re-wrote a portion & it was lost :(
I know I have talked about the Lavaman race since my blog started almost...so much happened to get me to this moment where I find myself on the team!
Now everything is happening FAST! Training has begun, donations are coming in (thank you!), letters are going out, my 1st fundraiser is coming up!
Our training season began last week with the kick off event. There was a TnT rally where we were introduced to our honorary teammate Bianca a young cancer survivor in remission. A rep from LLS talked with us about how the fundraising we do impacts blood cancer patients & research. We also were shown the TnT swag we earn for reaching fundraising milestones. Some of it doesn't motivate me BUT there is a sweatshirt I would like ;)
After the rally we went to the triathlon meeting & went over with coach the basic training schedule & bike rental/purchase options. This was followed by a fundraising workshop.
It is a lot to take in all at once & hard to believe that in just 4 months the race will be here.
One thing that is looming over me and definitely making we nervous is my schedule prevents me from doing a lot of training with the team. Swim workouts are Mon and Wed nights starting Dec 28th i will be able to attend every other Wed. I feel like I will be so behind! I will never make the track workouts on Tues evenings. The open water swims on Sundays I will make it to every other weekend swim. What I will be able to do it go to ALL but one Saturday morning workout. The bike & brick trainings! I have been told these are the most important!

Our first Sat training was this week. It was not a physical training it was a clinic. Coaches had a different station set up for each sport & transition& a fundraising info table. I had done my long mileage run right before this (10miles) & the first thing when I arrived they snapped a picture if me for the team website! :-/ Then I got my official team card & swim cap!
The card proves we are current member of TNT & allows us discounts some places & lists all the coach/mentors contact info.
The stations were to help us know which gear we MUST have, what is nice to have & what is pointless! I did actually learn quite bit!

After the clinic there was an abs session, led by my mentor Kristen. She said "& I'm going to have Katie come help me demonstrate" ?!?!!!!! Wow nothing like being put on the spot in front of 60+ strangers. Luckily for the most part I didn't make a fool o myself. They did a small run after that but I had to go somewhere by noon. It is pretty exciting finally getting started & scary too!!!

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