Saturday, November 27, 2010

Do u wear a headband when u run too!?

Today was the day I planned to do the big run of the week for marathon training. This week was a 3 mile run. Keep in mind I'm coming off of 3 days straight of boot camp. Need a refresher??? Wed was "run day" you know when we had to do the Goshen hill 3 times & the USD stairs! Then Thurs was the E hour boot camp. Then Fri I went to 530a boot camp...cause I didn't wanna skip it!!
So "the plan" was to get to the gym by 8am with the kids going to play @ Kids Place. In and out in 36 minutes.
Today didn't go as planned. I got up & moved from my bed to the couch. It's like Saturday morning was made for relaxing on the couch....or is that just me? So I'm catching up on The Biggest Loser...yes I'm watching a show where people are working out while I'm not getting ready for the gym.
Its time for me to be getting ready to go & I tell myself "you're sore","its cold", "you can count the run from the other day for today", "you have to work later".
Then I get a text from my marathon partner that she is heading to do the run. Hmmmmm I start to realize I suck if I don't go! I'm trying to figure out when I can get to gym, after work tonite, somehow tomorrow...then the solution hits me "turn off the tv, get up & go now!!!!"
There was enough time to go get it done right then if I just got off the couch to go.
I got up went, got the 3 miles done in & out! The best part was the picture I got from my marathon partner of her doing her run (she looked super cute) saying "Do u wear a headband when u run too!? Hahahaha". It made me laugh & smile & so glad she motivated me to get er done!!!


  1. AAAAAAAAWE!!! :0) I don't know who your partner is, but I'm guessing she knows how to rock a headband! ;0)

  2. You girls are too cute! So proud of you, K. I am so moved by all that God has done in your life in the past couple of years. xoxo
