Wednesday, November 24, 2010

im dating...

This is a tough post to write. I think partly because I've been in denial. I've been trying to ignore what is so obvious to me & that is really that I'm in love!
I think I'm ready to embrace the idea and share with everyone what's been going on a while now.
I think what final made me realize how serious this really is was the jealousy. I found myself being jealous when other people could spend time with Gym when I couldn't. Also when I was away from Gym I kept thinking when can I go back & spend more time with Gym. The way that Gym makes me feel is truly incredible!! Its a feeling I can't really explain...almost addictive!! Gym has so much to offer, not just for me but for my kids too! They love Gym as much as I do (just in a different way of course). Another big eye opener was that Friday I did two Boot Camps in the same day!!! I just knew that I was ready to tell the whole world!!! I LOVE GYM!!!!
There is just one thing, I'm scared Gym will eventually find out that I'm cheating on Gym and also having a long standing love affair with my bed....

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