Tuesday, November 16, 2010

i miss the summer....

I'm finding a HUGE difference having to train during the school year compared to in the summer.
The other challenge is just the plan fact that I work evenings. If I didn't work and/or have the time constraints of getting school done before work things would be different.
I can not guarantee school will be done each day with enough time for me to work out, shower, make meals, and truth be told nap before woek. What is helping is getting up @ 5am getting to the gym & being home & showered before the kids get home. The only problem with this time frame is I work until 12:30am so I'm going on 4 hours sleep. Most days I can pull it off....
BUT the morning usually goes like this:
1am crawl into bed (my thoughts: am I really setting my alarm for 4 hrs from now?)
5am alarm goes off, I lay in bed for a moment (my thoughts: I debate in my head the option to 1. Snooze 2. Go back to sleep 3. Get up & go. I begine to mentally run through any and all excuses to not go then combat them with the known fact that if I go shortly after arrival I will be wide awake, while it will be tough for a while I will feel AWESOME after, my work out will be DONE for the day).
Well I will be adding to this the fact that if I don't go I will be disappointed in myself, feel defeated, guilty and just plan mad @ myself!
This is what happened today. The excuses won & I didn't go to the gym @ 5am. Eventually after school, my sons bowling league and lunch I made it to the gym with enough time to run 3miles @ my 5mi/hr pace race home shower & leave for work very RUSHED!
I am so glad I didn't skip out all together but learned a lesson! Don't put off what you can get done @ 5am until later!!

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