Tuesday, November 16, 2010

& in boot camp news....

I could honestly post about every workout. BUT I don't for a couple reasons #1 I will promise myself I will make the time to jot down a post & like gets in the way #2 while I feel like every day there is some challenge or triumph to share about I feel it get repeatitive & boring for my followers (or follower if it is just Elizabeth still hanging around hahaha).
I did have a couple little tidbits I did want to share.
First of all simultainiously training for a triathlon, a marathon, continuing boot camp/power hour classes, while working, homeschooling & having a life IS HARD!!
My plan for now has been to run or bike or swim after classes. The problem is after BC (boot camp) I'm so exhausted the furthest I ran was .75 mile!
Ideally I guess I should stop BUT I can't its like I'm hooked. I did attend a different boot camp this Monday AND was able to get my scheduled 1.5 mile run in after. This BC was not as hard as the one I normally & quite honestly was borderline ridiculous & dangerous! I know she doesn't normally run these drills because all the regulars in class said so.
After warm up she had us get in groups of 4. The first drill we were to race back & forth across the room taking turn carries the teammates. Then we did piggy back races. Next we had one person sit on a towel and the partner would drag them across the floor. The final drill was wheel barrow. I figured I could easily walk on my hands with all the bear crawls I do now. I made it about half way across the floor and what stopped me was actually excrutiating back pain!!! I could not believe how bad it hurt!!! My back was all jammed up & I will tell you that is scary!!! One of my biggest fears is an injury.
I am facing a small injury right now. Shin splints (that is my self diagnosis). I'm hoping with some proper stretching and icing after work outs I can keep up with the schedule & recover ok.
I KNOW the culprit has to be my shoes!!! They have too many miles on them. The problem is new shoes cost money and well I just don't have that kind of money right now.
We will see how it goes with provision for shoes, gear & races fees the next month or so....
I did have one more training day to brag about. Last friday I went to both AM & PM boot camps with Jason. He says "it works...two-a-days". I'm definitely down to do it again it my schedule allows! & I think he was pretty impressed that the big, slow chick from the morning class came back hahahahaha

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