Tuesday, November 23, 2010

your'e REALLY sweaty...

I'm almost beating myself up about it BUT I gave myself the day off today...
I did Zumba Saturday, went to Boot Camp Sunday morning (I had such a hard time with it cause I was SORE from Zumba!!) So come to Mondays Boot Camp and the little sleep I was going on I was struggling!!!
The warm up alone kicked my butt!!! We starting doing our drills & as I was coming back from my sidewinders I was barely making it hahahahaha (I have to laugh cause it was a sight I'm sure). The instructor says to me when I get back "are you ok??" "Yeah" I say. He replies "cause you're sweating....A LOT"....
OH MY GOSH!!!! I didn't know what to say hahahahahaha let's just laugh again
I'm a real sweaty person in general & if you're interested my face gets beat tomato red too!!
I don't think those facts will change but let's hope in time I won't be so lame in class that it is cause for concern by the instructor. :-)

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