Thursday, January 6, 2011

12 weeks to race day...(sort of)

So this weeks marks the official start of my twelve week training plan for my next triathlon. I got in the pool yesterday and it felt GREAT! I was sore from New Years Eve workout and I got in two boot camps one on Sun and Mon. I also popped in the jacuzzi ahhhhhh. For the next 2 weeks time gonna try to keep up with boot camp M,W,F and swim T,Th and on my days off head to the gym a second time to run/bike. I will keep up with long runs on Saturday until the end of Jan. Then I will start the Y running club! I can't wait for the first meeting and to be able to learn from the coaches. I got my first have marathon 2 weeks before the triathlon EEK!!! Things are gonna be a little crazy I think the next 12 weeks BUT I feel like (and I hope) after this race I will finally believe I am a triathlete (and runner I guess too)

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