Sunday, January 23, 2011

Groundhog Day

Ever seen the movie groundhog day? The dude keeps reliving the same day over & over. Much like my blog that I repreat the same stuff over & over haha. After the weigh in Thurs I woke up ready to conquer the world of weightloss! I went to 530am BC-still fighting a head cold (but read in my treiathlete mag if you sick from the neck up its ok to keep training, if the illness goes to your chest/lungs to rest).
Jason announces to the class right away that Krystle & I have joined team challenge & to watch us if we slack off to kick us in the but!!!
Anyway warm up was as usual and after 10 min or so I felt good, just a small tinge of illness trying to slow me down.
We started with push up drills (hate 'em). I'm not at this stage yet, I imagine with less weight to "push up" I will be. So we did 9 sets total, 3 times each of 45 second each. First you push up the slap your partners hand alternating sides. Second we alternated legs we brought up to our side when going down, THEN slapped partners hand. Third we alternated leg lifts opposite or slapping hand. Then he had us attempt wheel barrow push ups WHICH is killer on the back if you get the wrong angle. & of course as Krystle and I struggle through this Jason comes over & in his perfect drill sargent style says " he is gonna be in our face th next 6 weeks, no excuses, he is gonna work us"
Next we grabbed our bands & did drills working our triceps, chest press and did rows...all which are killing me from the push ups!
Then we got body bars on our shoulders & did 3 sets eat of 45 second, lunges, squat jumps, then lunge jumps!!! I seriously wanted to DIE!!! I hated this! Maybe without the 12 lb. body bar weighing me down I would have done better?! It was KILLER & all I was thinking was if I never have to do this again it will be too soon!!!
So I went about the daily routine tried to watch what I ate! I did school, took a 1 hour nap, went on a whale watching trip with my kids, then headed back for BC2 530p class. I felt pretty good like I had just enough energy to get through it and was thinking no way it will be like this morning...
I was wrong...
After warm up Jason says if you were here this morning guess what we are doing the same thing!!! I said "ok I wanna go home then". Jason says to the whole class "this is Katie everyone she has signed up for the team challenge, if you see her slacking off let her have it" Gee thanks! Should be fun!
So the workout I hated most of all I repeated and hated equally as much the second time around!

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