Monday, February 28, 2011

Testing 1.2.3.

I downloaded an app for my phone & before I type a big long blog I wanna see if it works

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Happy Birthday Noel

This post is a week over due...Last Sunday was my brother's 36th birthday. The days leading up to it were so much harder on me then I ever anticipated. The night before was the worst. I was alone (reminded me of the night he passed) I am always alone but sometimes it is just more forefront. I was crying and sad for my brother, my parents and watched his memorial video. I posted on my Facebook wall, on his Facebook was so hard.
I guess that is why it was a huge blessing that I didn't do my run the day before his birthday. I got up and went to the lake by my parents house, a place we had gone to so often as a family. I turned on my favorite worship music and took off. The lake is 5 miles around, so I ran to the 1 mile marker then back to the start then ran all the way around the lake to make 7 miles.
My first half of the run my pace was so fast! 11 minute miles! Then I slowed down and my average ended up 12 min per mile. I keep getting a cramp in my side when I run at around 3-4 miles. It seems to go away if I just keep going but I need to find out what it is. I also want to get a travel water bottle so I can keep water or gatorade for my runs with me.
I love running outside, I dont think I could run 7 miles on the tredmill for some reason I get tired and want to stop immeadiately, yet outside I can go forever!!
It helped so much to run, pray, praise, worship, think about memories, be sad, have joy, and talk to God about everything.
After the run I went wine tasting via limo in Temecula with my sister and cousins. We planned the trip in Noel's honor because it was something he had wanted to do. It turned out to be a wonderful day and I was so glad we all spent it together.
I miss my brother so much, it is still hard to grasp the fact that he is gone. Every mile I go now is truly dedicated to him. He is such an inspiration to me!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

7 mile run

I had a great week of training...I said in an earlier post everything is getting easier and I am feeling better and better!
I did kinda sorta feel a little bug coming on...BUT I was sure it was allergies. I did my two-a-day Friday boot camp and felt great. I was strong and doing things that a few weeks ago I swore I would never to again (like lunge jumps with the body bar).
Much to my disappointment later on Friday the illness took over and I was done. I had to get up in the morning for the running club AND I did. I was ready to walk out the door waiting for my kids Dad to arrive...............................he forgot........
I was so bummed and yes I should have headed back to bed BUT I am a mom first and foremost and the house needed to be cleaned!
I had a 10 hour shift after the house got clean. It was a loooooong day. I was so torn up about missing the run. Racking my brain how to incorporate a 7 mile run into my already crazy full schedule.
I am going to go tomorrow. I am sick so I hope I can do this! AND I hope to sweat out the illness!
The thing about it that is totally God is tomorrow is my brother's birthday. We are going wine tasting in a limo to celebrate (this is something he had wanted to do and we are doing it in him memory).
I remember the day of his funeral I went for a long run like 4-5 miles. It felt really good to do it that day. Maybe this is God's way of helping me deal with tomorrow?
Whatever His idea or plan is my Ipod is charged and I am gonna leave everything I got on the pavement tomorrow. wait... Running in the Rain

So Wednesday Boot Camp is always RUN DAY...unless it rains. So when I woke up to rain Wed. I was expecting no big run. I did have on my new running shoes and didnt go in to change them when I saw the rain. Thank God I kept them on!!!! When I got to the gym class was headed outside to run. I was shocked!!!
I was told Jason the instructor took a vote, majority said "NO RUN" he said "Let's go"

It was not raining hard it was a drizzle, none the less, we got wet!! We went a different direction, I think because it had better lighting. It was a up a pretty good hill (no where near as steep as Las Cumbres or Goshen). About 3/4 way up is the USD stairs. We did a set of the stairs and then ran the rest of the way up the hill to the top of Las Cumbres. I thought we were headed down that hill....NOPE. We turned right around and went back the way we when we got to the stairs we went up them one more time. Then back down the hill and to the gym for abs.

I am noticing a HUGE difference in my ability this week. I think it is a combo of more training and less weight. I hope the more I lose the more results like this I get. I feel great and am almost starting to look great!

Only bad part about runnin in the rain is I couldnt weigh in after cause my close we all wet :(

stupid deleted blog posts

I wrote a great blog post the other night...on my phone as usual and i accidently hit the back browser and it deleted. When I write on the computer (as I am now) it auto saves.
Anyway I was writing about my last weigh in and all that I am learning through doing the TEAM challenge.
There is NO WAY I am going to recreate the same blog, it was late (as it is now) I was fading fast and it was really good.
So Tuesday was offcial weigh in day. We had a very sweaty workout...Tuesdays are heavy cardio so we can sweat out those last few ounces (although it feels like pounds of sweat). I weighed in and had a loss of 3.6 for a total of 15 pounds!!!!!!!!!!!!
It felt incredible! I have worked so hard and stuck to my see it pay off is great!
I feel like one of the contestants on the Biggest Loser. Everything they talk about learning I have learned through this process. First of all it is not about diets...they really dont work. It is completely about counting calories. What you eat matters so much more then how much you excercise. AND you have to keep track!!! I am doing 1200 calories a day and it is like money. You have to spend it wisely!!!!
I've noticed some meals to be way more filling and satisfying then others. Veggies are so low in calories you can use them to fill your plate and belly.
OF COURSE the excercise is so important too BUT I was working out very hard for over a year (check the blog) and didnt change my diet saw no results. NOW in just THREE WEEKS I have lost 15 POUNDS!!!!
The only discouraging thing is knowing how much further I have to go yet (about 30-40 pounds). I know now the dedication and determination it takes to get weight off. I want to allow myself for a free meal once a week once the challenge is over BUT seriously do not want to risk gaining one pound!!! I know the work it takes and do not want to back track AT ALL....
I will never do a "free day" I could easily do 5 pounds of damage on a free day hahaha.

This blog does not even come close to the lost blog BUT I had to update my weight loss :)

Monday, February 14, 2011

for anyone who is interested....

well I was hesitant to share this because it is going to reveal just how big of a nerd I am...but...I started a second blog

it is about my other hobby...FISHING!!!!

Because I just didn't have enough going on in life hahahaha

Sunday, February 13, 2011

becoming an athlete

I cannot believe I have not updated my blog since Feb 6th & it is the 13th!!!
So much has happened with my weight loss challenge tri-training!!
I'm not sure where to start...
Monday I did boot camp & spin class. It has worked out pretty good doing that routine! I hope that the spin class is gonna get me reading for the 10 mile gnarly ride on this next tri. It is definitely a TOUGH workout!! I always wanna just walk out 10 min into it, then again every 10 min after that I'm planning my escape!!
Tuesday was Team challenge & weigh-in day. I lost 3.8 pounds! For a total of 11.4!! I was sooooo happy to have another loss. Tues is also supposed to be swim day BUT the pool heater was broke and I didn't head over to the other gym...kinda LAME, especially after last weeks great swim!
Wednesday we ran up Las Cumbres & we had to do the USD stairs 3 times. Even though I am still so slow & it is very challenging for me, each time we go up the hill it gets a little easier (which is not the right word cause nothing about it is easy). I did not make it down & up a 3rd time on the stairs but I'm working on it.
Thurday Jason was LATE to our team trainging so we started with out him!! He really worked out legs hard!! He said something about it being the largest muscles so you burn a lot & burn while the muscles recovery...all I know is my legs were screaming for mercy!
Thurs is ALSO supposed to be swim day but it turned out to be my fall back asleep day...
Friday I did both AM & PM Boot Camps! It was hard with sore legs but I'm glad I got 2 solid workouts in after slacking of a.little this week.
Saturday was run club. We met at Spanish Landing & ran along San Diego Bay. The weather was amazing! I ran 6 miles slowly but I ran all 6! I love running outside. I listen to worship on the ipod & I feel like I can run forever!
I think about my brother a lot during all these workouts. I feel like he left me a gift, or legacy to carry out. I think about how his life was so short & everything he is missing out on & what we are missing with him gone. Everytime I feel like giving in or feel a pain I draw strength from him & his battle...he has made me appreciate every moment, strive for what makes me happy & always count my blessings

Brave Boot Camp Bestie

I still am in shock how this all went down...
Talking to my friend & fellow marathon trainee Elizabeth, we are running around doing errands on Friday. I'm planning on going to 5:30pm boot camp & she says she is trying to get an evening work out in as well. Then I say it, probably the words she has dreaded for so long..."Come to boot camp with me". She offered up several excuses: didn't want to spend $ for day pass, I countered with I have free guest passes. Then she didn't want to pay for chidcare, I said I'm sure it is free but even if it is not I will pay it. I then added she can join me for jacuzzi time after....somehow I convinced her & she said YES!! I was excited/shocked & a little scared for her (I fully knew what she was getting into). There was NO doubt in my mind she could do it...I just know it is challenging BUT so is running a marathon!
It was sooooo fun having my friend in class AND for her to experience the Boot Camp I go to. Even though I have described it in great detail actually being there with the music blareing, Jason in your face (& he did get in her face) I'm sure was different!
I'm so proud of her for stepping outside her comfort level & trying it! She held her own & was able to see that no one cake walks through BC EVERYONE gets outta breath & is pushing themselves to their limits. It is the feeling at the end of it that we all push towards, knowing that we did it!!! We are stronger for it & with consistancy we will only get better!!!
Even better was jacuzzi time after!! Then we got in the indoor pool & it felt amazing, refreshing, we had FUN!!!
I'm hoping we can get a repeat soon!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

rest day

This week was insane as far as training at the gym. Monday I did Boot Camp and Spin Class, Tues TEAM challenge & I ran 2 miles, Wed was a gnarly Boot Camp run 4 miles PLUS Goshen, Thurs TEAM challenge PLUS my awesome swim!!! Friday I did AM AND PM Boot Camp! Then Sat I joined the running club and did a 5 mile run!!!
Today I had wanted to go to the much antipated Spin Class Jason was teaching BUT the thought of a day off seemed so nice too. (AND according to most required during training). So I did it! I took a day off! And you know what happened I slept for 4 hours today!!! Ummmmm you think my body needed rest?!?!
All this training doesn't feel like enough, I ate a little bad (still within my calories BUT not a ton of veggies).
I'm nervous about this weeks weigh in and not burning any calories today...
Nothing I can do about it now! I don't regret the rest...I needed/wanted/deserved it!!!

Friday, February 4, 2011

fainting spell

Something happened that I think is totally expected but a bummer none the less....
I got an email from the next triathlon I registered for with a link to the course map. I checked it out and immediately PANICKED!!!!!!
There were so many things I have been concerned about with this race, the swim being longer then I have ever done, not having a decent bike to practice on or race with, not having the time to completely focus on tri-training. Don't get me wrong all the other stuff I am doing is contributing, especially the weight loss! It is going to be so much easier in the long run being lighter and stronger.
The bike portion of the race is all up hill 1o miles climbing 1800 feet with up to a 15 % grade.
I have never done anything but a flat bike course, swam 500 yards. I have not had a successful swim portion yet really (in my opinion).
So I sent a message to the race promoter saying I was probably NOT going to do the race. That I was a beginner and had no idea how advanced this race was. He wrote back said the swim including the transition distance so it is actually 450 yards (I scared he is lying hehe), that the bike portion has switchbacks (I have NO clue what a switchback is hehe) to make it easier. He offered to allow me to do a relay at no extra cost....that is not going to happen.
I also emailed my cousin that I am doing the race with and said the same stuff. It is too advanced, I dont have a bike, I cant do it, I cant do it, I cant do it, also reads as blah blah blah.
My cousin sent me an encouraging message back. Basically no one is letting me get out of this...
So the next day I hopped in the pool and something amazing happened!! I had the best swim ever. I felt like I was floating and gliding through the water!!!! I swam for over 20 minutes with out stopping!!! That is probably more or less how long the race swim portion will take. That swim really helped me realize I CAN DO THIS. failure is not an option for me and having the TEAM challenge makes it a little tougher to fine time...BUT after my swim I realized one way or another I will finish this race....I guess I dont have a choice....

TEAM Brown

I CANNOT believe I haven't updated my blog all this time. It just goes to show how dedicated I am to my training I guess....or that I have a life other then my blogs....(thank goodness I was starting to worry about me).
I have been so faithful with my diet, food journal and workouts!
#1 thing that is helping is having my work schedule adjusted during this time. It doesn't make my days with the kids as easy cause we have time restrictions. BUT I am not napping all the time either.
The workouts with the trainer (Jason) have been so much harder then I ever imagined. The first day about 5 minutes in I was ready to quit. We did all kinds of things I have never done before in the gym with weights and machines.
We had our first official weigh in on Tues this week. It was about a week and half from the first weigh in. I weighed in 7.6 pounds down!!! It felt incredible!! I cant even explain what it is like to finally break through the wall I was at for a year I couldn't get below!
I earned and worked off every pound. I made huge changes in my diet and counted every calorie. I said no to so many things I would have totally eaten before. The whole counting calories has been truly eye opening!! I had no idea how much I had been eating before. I would think in my head well I worked out today I can eat this and way!! Calories are like money and you have to spend wisely!!
The first few days I had those baby showers and was sort of figuring it all out but on Monday of week one was when the food journal started "officially". The first day I was just under 1600 cals then day to around 1500...once I started to see how things worked I was able to make a 1200 calorie a day plan. 1200 is the MINIMUM for a woman (according to the nutritionist). If you spend smart and plan right that can be 3 very filling meals and 2 snacks.
I still have a lot to learn but I the process is amazing!
TEAM brown WON the first weigh in of the challenge. It was great to be #1 I just hope we keep it up. I really have my eye on the end goal which is to loss weight of course BUT I want to be the biggest loser AND the winning TEAM. I can't wait to do these next few races lighter, leaner and stronger!!!