Sunday, February 13, 2011

Brave Boot Camp Bestie

I still am in shock how this all went down...
Talking to my friend & fellow marathon trainee Elizabeth, we are running around doing errands on Friday. I'm planning on going to 5:30pm boot camp & she says she is trying to get an evening work out in as well. Then I say it, probably the words she has dreaded for so long..."Come to boot camp with me". She offered up several excuses: didn't want to spend $ for day pass, I countered with I have free guest passes. Then she didn't want to pay for chidcare, I said I'm sure it is free but even if it is not I will pay it. I then added she can join me for jacuzzi time after....somehow I convinced her & she said YES!! I was excited/shocked & a little scared for her (I fully knew what she was getting into). There was NO doubt in my mind she could do it...I just know it is challenging BUT so is running a marathon!
It was sooooo fun having my friend in class AND for her to experience the Boot Camp I go to. Even though I have described it in great detail actually being there with the music blareing, Jason in your face (& he did get in her face) I'm sure was different!
I'm so proud of her for stepping outside her comfort level & trying it! She held her own & was able to see that no one cake walks through BC EVERYONE gets outta breath & is pushing themselves to their limits. It is the feeling at the end of it that we all push towards, knowing that we did it!!! We are stronger for it & with consistancy we will only get better!!!
Even better was jacuzzi time after!! Then we got in the indoor pool & it felt amazing, refreshing, we had FUN!!!
I'm hoping we can get a repeat soon!

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