Saturday, February 19, 2011 wait... Running in the Rain

So Wednesday Boot Camp is always RUN DAY...unless it rains. So when I woke up to rain Wed. I was expecting no big run. I did have on my new running shoes and didnt go in to change them when I saw the rain. Thank God I kept them on!!!! When I got to the gym class was headed outside to run. I was shocked!!!
I was told Jason the instructor took a vote, majority said "NO RUN" he said "Let's go"

It was not raining hard it was a drizzle, none the less, we got wet!! We went a different direction, I think because it had better lighting. It was a up a pretty good hill (no where near as steep as Las Cumbres or Goshen). About 3/4 way up is the USD stairs. We did a set of the stairs and then ran the rest of the way up the hill to the top of Las Cumbres. I thought we were headed down that hill....NOPE. We turned right around and went back the way we when we got to the stairs we went up them one more time. Then back down the hill and to the gym for abs.

I am noticing a HUGE difference in my ability this week. I think it is a combo of more training and less weight. I hope the more I lose the more results like this I get. I feel great and am almost starting to look great!

Only bad part about runnin in the rain is I couldnt weigh in after cause my close we all wet :(

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