Sunday, February 13, 2011

becoming an athlete

I cannot believe I have not updated my blog since Feb 6th & it is the 13th!!!
So much has happened with my weight loss challenge tri-training!!
I'm not sure where to start...
Monday I did boot camp & spin class. It has worked out pretty good doing that routine! I hope that the spin class is gonna get me reading for the 10 mile gnarly ride on this next tri. It is definitely a TOUGH workout!! I always wanna just walk out 10 min into it, then again every 10 min after that I'm planning my escape!!
Tuesday was Team challenge & weigh-in day. I lost 3.8 pounds! For a total of 11.4!! I was sooooo happy to have another loss. Tues is also supposed to be swim day BUT the pool heater was broke and I didn't head over to the other gym...kinda LAME, especially after last weeks great swim!
Wednesday we ran up Las Cumbres & we had to do the USD stairs 3 times. Even though I am still so slow & it is very challenging for me, each time we go up the hill it gets a little easier (which is not the right word cause nothing about it is easy). I did not make it down & up a 3rd time on the stairs but I'm working on it.
Thurday Jason was LATE to our team trainging so we started with out him!! He really worked out legs hard!! He said something about it being the largest muscles so you burn a lot & burn while the muscles recovery...all I know is my legs were screaming for mercy!
Thurs is ALSO supposed to be swim day but it turned out to be my fall back asleep day...
Friday I did both AM & PM Boot Camps! It was hard with sore legs but I'm glad I got 2 solid workouts in after slacking of a.little this week.
Saturday was run club. We met at Spanish Landing & ran along San Diego Bay. The weather was amazing! I ran 6 miles slowly but I ran all 6! I love running outside. I listen to worship on the ipod & I feel like I can run forever!
I think about my brother a lot during all these workouts. I feel like he left me a gift, or legacy to carry out. I think about how his life was so short & everything he is missing out on & what we are missing with him gone. Everytime I feel like giving in or feel a pain I draw strength from him & his battle...he has made me appreciate every moment, strive for what makes me happy & always count my blessings

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