Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Years Resolutions...

This is one of those times I envision me rambling on, with nothing really to say :)
I read in my fitness mag this girl say this & I decided with a minor tweak it summed up my resolve for 2012: I have focused on a vision of how I want to live. I will say “yes” to the things that align with that, and “no” to things that eat up time. I want to be in the best physical, mental, emotional, financial & spiritual shape of my life.
Wow that really says it all & says A LOT of areas to work on.
Now for manageable chunks & more specifics.
Spiritual: read bible more (goal 1 hour a day) Our church reads together ech year starting over. I'm an all or nothing girl & think I fizzle out cause I get flustered I can't read that hour. I am taking the pressure off & I'm just gonna read with out staring at the clock. Without forcing myself to read a certain plan or # of chapters. By doing that I will have way more success. I have an eye problem that causes strain on my eyes, that I'm actually going to vision therapy for. My goal is to read until my eyes can't take it & read more when they can :)
Financial: find & marry someone who can keep me on a budget HAHAHA kidding!!! I want to budget better, cut needless expenses, look for ways to bring in extra income & spend more wisely. NO IMPULSE BUYS!
Mental: What is mental? Not losing my mind :) running helps with that! Praying helps with that. Since I pray when I run that should keep me sane.
Emotional: I just went through a recovery group for divorce & feel I really worked on this area. I plan to continue with what I learned AND grow more! Goal: hug more (why not seems emotional)
Physical: tri-Kate has gone race crazy!!!! I think it's my way of forcing this area to blossom. I'm excited to take my fitness to the next level & achieve even more this year then last. Also going to work on my diet! First rule oatmeal every day for breakfast :) also no fast food PERIOD. I'm not sure where else I plan to adjust but this was a good start & easy to stick with (so far-4 days into the year)
I feel like last year is one of the only years that ended that I didn't feel discouraged or depressed. I was able to look back & reflect on so many good things. I have a feeling more of the same is ahead

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