Tuesday, September 7, 2010

5 days to go

I have been reading all these triathlete magazines which are so helpful. My ironwoman friend passes them along to me. One thing every magazine has is contributions from athletes writing about their races. They talk about the anticipation, emotions, nerves, excitment leading up to the race. The mental aspect during the race. Mind you these are written my people doing much longer races then mine but it really is the same for me. As my race is a few days away my head is swirling with thoughts. I have worked so hard but is it enough? Am I ready? Can I really do this? The thing is I really don't know until I get there. So I worry and wonder, get excited, feel ready, have doubts, have no doubts. Even just setting up my transition area has me thinking, what I am gonna wear, how to change outta the wetsuit of death to my clothes quickly, trying off enough to get clothes on fast. On the one hand I don't care about my time but I want to finish well and don't wanna spend 20 minutes in transitions. In the magazines and ebook I read they talk about this, exactly what I am writing out mentally going over everything. Organizing a plan of what is gonna happen in your head, visualizing the race, the transition, what to do think about in your head when your body wants to stop.
I know so much of this IS MENTAL because like I have written there are days when my head is not in the game while training and I can't do it. I keep praying Lord don't let race day be one of them. Although everyone says the same thing adrenaline carries you through a lot. But on the flip side I have read stories of athletes who have gone the whole distance of the ironman only to fall to the ground and quit a few kilometers from the finish line.
I leave to go beach camping today Tue-Fri, 3 nights. The plus side is what a great place to be for training I can work on my transitions, do all the events back to back & get more practic in the ocean. But I have concerns too, I won't sleep well (I assume), it will be hard to eat healthy (not that I have been AT ALL & my stomach is currently punishing me for that), and this could hinder me race day. I am hoping mentally to combat these concerns with getting some solid work outs in the next few days. While still enjoying time with my kids and friends.
This post is sort of random rambling of what is going through my mind. Some moments I can't contain the excitement and anticipation and others I wanna not have to swim in the bay @ 7am.
The day before the race is the expo and I go pick up my packet with timing chip, my race #, and I guess they have tri-tatts to apply the # to your body instead of a sharpie. There will be all the sponsers with booths set up and they giveaway samples of their stuff. It is fun and just adds to the build up to race day (and also mandatory to get your race stuff).
The one thing I love about the ebook I read (and re-read last nite) is how simple, basic, and encouraging it was written. She really made you feel like doing a tri was not that hard. She said you need shoes, a swimsuit and goggles, a bike (anyone you got or borrow from your mom, neighbor, friend) and helmet. Really it was all I needed!!! She repeats over and over "we are capable of more than we think we are" SO TRUE!!!!! The training schedule gradually built up over time and now looking back at the blog and training I did, it was so perfect. It did require me to be dilligent and stick to it BUT I DID!!! Regardless of how I do in the race I am very proud of how determined I was to stick to the plan. It is gonna be cool to see it to the finsh line.

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