Saturday, September 4, 2010

im be done training!!!

Wow this week most days it was so hard to get out of bed to train! Partly I think because my kids were getting dropped off later then usual the opportunity to sleep was very enticing! I went though!! Yesterday I once again had a flat bike tire! I broke the valve. I so didn't wanna ride the bike @ the gym. I had no choice cause I had a 90 min bike ride & needed a new tube. I dragged my butt outta bed & went to the gym. Mentally I was so not willing to sit on the bike @ the gym for 90min. Sure I can watch tv and its aircontitioned. But I never find a groove on the bike like I do when running. I can't ever get my heart rate up. It is no way similar to actually riding. I made it 20min & bailed. I just didn't have it in me (I've said this before haven't I) I went home & did laundry instead. I got my bike fixed in the afternoon & rented a wetsuit for the race.
This morning I was no more excited or willing to go riding (even though I had my bike fixed). I'm definitely burnt out on training. Not that I can stop I'm in the home stretch!!!
So I got out & went down to the bay. I got there @ 7am. I just rode around fiesta island 3 times earlier in the week. Crabby Katie was whining in her head I don't wanna ride around the island for 90 min...wa wa I set off in a different direction along the bay. My thought was to go a ways a long the bay & then turn around & go around the island. So I went along the bike path past Sea World, then instead of turn around, I went past Dana Landing then I thought might as well ride down to the beach & back, but as I got toward Mission Blvd I was like maybe I should just go around the whole bay?!?!?! That would be cool! its different, its something I don't even know if I can do, yeah I'm gonna do it. So I kept goin all they way along the bay side of Mission, past Crown Point, Campland, the golf course, De Anza cove back to Fiesta Island, THEN I rode around the island. It took exactly an hour and half!! Crabby Katie was replaced with happy rejuvenated proud of her accomplishment Katie! Each time I do a great training it makes me more confident about my race. I don't think it is gonna be a piece of cake BUT I know I have given my all in training for it!!!


  1. WOW!!!! You are amazing! I love how God has transformed you in such a short time with this training. It truly is remarkable! And, that sounds like a really, really long many miles was that?

    (I cannot, cannot believe you do this all off your phone. You are superwoman, K!)


  2. I was telling this kid at work about the ride (he is an eagle scout & got his bike riding badge & did his missions trip on bike). He says wow that is like 20 miles. I say no it was and hour and a half and I do 5 miles in 20 min how many is that? About 20 miles hahahaha

    oh and Im on my laptop for the first time doing this! I wanna go correct typos LOL
