Saturday, September 11, 2010

race expo day

So this is it, I mean this really is it! I'm doing a triathlon in about 12 hrs from now!
Today I went to the pool. And just swam like 200 this point it was just about me feeling confident about my swimming technique.
Then I went down to the race expo to get my race packet! My swim cap, race bib, timing chip & goody bag! Why am I so excited about the runnin cap & 2 new water bottles?!?! I also got a license plate frame that reads Triathlete magazine SWIM BIKE RUN. Wow that is me!!! I'm gonna do this!
I totally realize how dorky I sound but you have NO IDEA what is going on in my head!!!
It's like when you study for a big test and right before the test you feel like everything you learned you forget!!!!
I know I trained & I'm capable of doing more than all 3 distances in the race yet I'm totally freaking out!
What is helping is the words of encouragement, advise & just sorting through the thoughts.
-remember this is supposed to be fun
-remember swim relaxed, it is just 1 part of the race. Pedal at a high cadence and start stretching your legs before dismount. Then find a pace you can keep up saving a little kick for a strong finish & HYDRATE
-you are already a winner just by stepping on the finish line
-so proud of you
-your going to do great
-dont worry! The Lord said you won't die ;)

Ready or not the time is now! I got all my stuff ready! My sweet friend is gonna come with me in the morning!!! Answered prayer for sure cause I was sad about having to go all alone!!

Once I finish the swim I am sure I will breathe a sigh of relief & then just push myself through it!

When I finish (oh good for me I didn't say IF haha)...I think I will probably cry. There is a bit of doubt, can I do this, it seems like a huge mountain I'm a bout to climb but I have the will & desire to get there. & most of all I know God is with me! I'm so counting on Him!!!!

So unless I keep going crazy & need someplace to purge my rambling thoughts my next post should be post race!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Purge! Purge! Purge!...

    I'm loving the posts tonight! So excited for you!!!!
