Monday, September 20, 2010

im declaring myself totally insane!!!

As I write this I am still recovering from an asthma attack. I have not had this happen since I played competitive soccer as a kid!! After Wed. Boot Camp run I woke up Thurs no where near as sore as I expected (oh I was sore BUT still mobile). So up @ 5am & off to the Thurs 530am Power Hour class I went. I knew I was in for a tough time. The class consisted of a aerobic class style warm up, then intervals of jump rope and kickboxing with resistance bands. I am so uncoordinated & have no balance. I could not actually jump rope so as the instructor had given the option to hop around swinging the rope on your side...I did. We would jump at our pace for 50 seconds, then 10 seconds warp speed. We did this for like 3 minutes then went into the boxing with resistance bands. It was so hard to get good form for me. I just did what resembled what the others were doing. Some of these chicks are amazing. The hardest part was the actual kicks with the bands. She has us loop the band around our foot then balance on the other leg and do side kicks or front kicks & knee lifts. I couldn't keep my balance AT ALL. I know everyone starts somewhere & no one is watching me to see how lame I am but I felt like an idiot!!!
The truth is I realized had I not done the training for my race I wouldn't even be in good enough shape for these classes (even though the schedule says all levels). & I love the challenge! Pushing myself harder than I think I am capable!
Friday I was definitely feeling the PAIN!! I had not planned to work out as I was going fishing with my son :D my favorite hobby in the whole world!! Someday I am gonna blog about fishing too! I found that the best thing for my sore muscles was lots of stretching and moving. Anytime I stayed still I would get stiff & sore!
Saturday morning presented a challenge! #1 it was the first morning all week I slept past 500am #2 I was still sore #3 I didn't wanna get outta bed #4 I had to do laundry, pick up the house, and get my meals ready for work. The kids were gone which means sleeping in was my BEST option as there would be NO interuptions!!
Instead I devised a plan! I put the laundry in the wash, rode my bike to the pharmacy & back to get a prescription I needed. (Probably only a 10min ride total). Came home put my stuff in the dryer & went for a run (about 2 miles). It helped so much with the soreness to get out and move! I stretched a lot at work afterwards.
Sunday I also took off. Between church & work there was just no time. And I am totally ok with that!!

1 comment:

  1. I love hearing your gym-class stories! I would be the exact same way! I have another friend who is doing similar gym classes, and she told me that she decided to try out a Zumba class...I responded with, "Oh, I could never do that, I have ZERO rhythm." She then began to inform me that her and about 30% of the class has zero rhythm also! HAHAHA! So maybe, someday, that IS something I would try.

    Keep going on with your "bad" self! :0)
